Release 4.6.RC1
Release Notes - DSS - Version 4.6.RC1
- [DSS-642] - CAdES countersignature doesn't work
- [DSS-684] - Cades archive-time-stamp-v3 not properly created
- [DSS-693] - Migration of validation policy edition screens
- [DSS-718] - Expose signature methods as REST service
- [DSS-714] - Without signing certificate expiration check, signatures signed clearly after certificate expiration still validate successfully
- [DSS-727] - Validation of CAdES countersignatures fail
- [DSS-728] - The signature policy is not validated because expects ASN1
- [DSS-729] - Error extending CAdES with 2 signatures to LTA
- [DSS-732] - The demo application validates documents before TSL loading has finished
- [DSS-733] - PKCS#11 EC Encryption leading to DSSException
- [DSS-738] - ASiC files created with a digest algorithm different than SHA-256 fail validation
- [DSS-740] - The demo application discards existing certpool cache when reloading tsl
- [DSS-741] - PKCS11SignatureToken bug when space in the file path
- [DSS-750] - XAdES : problem with SignaturePolicySpuri
- [DSS-761] - Schema validation errors after extending signature to XAdES-C
- [DSS-766] - Possibly wrong element places in XML.
- [DSS-767] - XAdES : Invalid level LT detection
- [DSS-768] - An error occurred ! org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 11; columnNumber: 23; The reference to entity "FD2" must end with the ';' delimiter.
New Feature
- [DSS-679] - https (with mutal authentication) timestamping support
- [DSS-746] - Standalone application
- [DSS-690] - Light applet
- [DSS-709] - XAdES : support digest signing
- [DSS-717] - TrustedListsCertificateSource: setLotlCertificate() to support multiple certificates
- [DSS-722] - Demo : allow to generate ASiC signature with CAdES as underlying format
- [DSS-723] - Demo : Separate the "TSL signature" as a new complete option
- [DSS-724] - Demo : Signature policy values input is confusing
- [DSS-725] - Demo : Packaging selection in the augmentation process
- [DSS-748] - Improve dss-cookbook
- [DSS-757] - Unable To sign and verify large file