released this
31 Jan 18:06
10616 commits
to master
since this release
React Milestone Release
Change Log
v0.21.0 (2022/01/31 17:06 +00:00)
- #2020 Bump remix-ide to v0.21.0 (@ioedeveloper)
- #2016 libs published (@Aniket-Engg)
- #2015 Bump remixd version (@ioedeveloper)
- #2014 update (@LianaHus)
- #2011 Add loader to splash screen (@ioedeveloper)
- #2003 add restore backup (@yann300)
- #2005 black und white logo for starknet (@LianaHus)
- #2012 chunk loading fixed (@Aniket-Engg)
- #1999 Use plugin calls for toaster and modal. (@bunsenstraat, @yann300, @ioedeveloper)
- #1989 loading performance improvement (@Aniket-Engg)
- #2004 rename Cairo to StarkNet (@LianaHus)
- #1994 icons padding on verticals (@LianaHus)
- #1997 added Scam alert to home (@LianaHus)
- #2001 Get current file from editor (@ioedeveloper)
- #1996 Fix loop over references (@yann300)
- #2000 Fixed modal title for folder creation (@ioedeveloper)
- #1995 add download backup in homepage (@yann300)
- #1504 Allow compiler language selection via query parameter, fixes #1489 (@yann300)
- #1987 fix toaster when using plugin api to update provider (@yann300)
v0.21.0-beta (2022/01/20 19:15 +00:00)
- #1990 fixed remixd modal text typo (@LianaHus)
- #1985 fixed icons paddings on verticalicons and PM selection from home (@LianaHus)
- #1977 reset input parameters (@yann300)
- #1975 Fixed Terminal logs for udapp transactions (@yann300, @ioedeveloper)
- #1973 Fix loading import (remix-tests) (@yann300)
- #1965 terminal hide (@bunsenstraat)
- #1976 fix css for tests (@Aniket-Engg)
- #1959 hometab fixes (@LianaHus)
- #1931 vertical icon fixes (@bunsenstraat, @LianaHus)
- #1958 Fix debugging live transactions (@yann300)
- #1960 aligning the title and doc icon (@LianaHus)
- #1956 Fix import IPFS files (@yann300)
- #1957 Fix formatting message (@yann300)
- #1908 Terminal fixes (@LianaHus)
- #1949 Update examples.js (@gitwinst)
- #1953 Fix recorder bugs (@ioedeveloper)
- #1952 SUT plugin fixes (@Aniket-Engg)
- #1947 remember click (@bunsenstraat)
- #1941 fix theme parameter being case sensitive (@yann300)
- #1938 fix solidity warning in the editor (@yann300)
- #1954 Home Tab: new file, open file fixed (@LianaHus)
- #1942 dragbar z-index fixed, removed Optimism, added Cairo (@LianaHus)
- #1925 Do not clear instance list for AtAddress (@ioedeveloper)
- #1921 use onSelect from Tabs (@yann300)
- #1861 Fix vertical icons badge (@bunsenstraat, @joeizang)
- #1917 Remove yo-yo remnants. (@bunsenstraat, @ioedeveloper)
- #1910 Fix hardhat provider (@yann300)
- #1901 Merge pull request #1901 from ethereum/awaitasyncmodals (@bunsenstraat, @Aniket-Engg)
- #1905 Remove focus for file closed in the editor (@ioedeveloper)
- #1898 Reset udapp on workspace change (@ioedeveloper)
- #1890 Hardhart provider to react (@yann300)
- #1875 fix/update sourcify plugin name (@ogwurujohnson)
- #1857 Panels (@bunsenstraat, @yann300, @tizah, @davidzagi)
- #1879 Gist handler in react (@bunsenstraat, @yann300)
- #1889 fix alerts filemanager (@bunsenstraat)
- #1883 remixd handle in react (@bunsenstraat)
- #1888 resolve remix-tests libs with Localhost workspace (@Aniket-Engg)
- #1852 Appmodals (@bunsenstraat)
- #1868 Update .babelrc (@yann300)
- #1766 fix terminal dragbar (@Josel95)
- #1840 App-react (@bunsenstraat)
- #1671 create vertical icons panel react lib (@joeizang, @bunsenstraat)
- #1780 check for current for ctrl + s (@LianaHus)
- #1828 Bump alpha to 0.21.0-dev (@ioedeveloper)