Bootstrap project to start working with ethereum classic as quickly as possible.
Install VirtualBox
Install Vagrant
Install Groovy
Set up local parity node:
vagrant up
Check parity client version (client_version):
> examples/client_version.groovy Client version: Parity//v1.5.2-beta-948a538-20170208/x86_64-linux-gnu/rustc1.15.0
Receive test account balance (account_balance):
> examples/account_balance.groovy Test account balance: 1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202.9938 ether
Tear down local parity node:
vagrant halt
Parity is an Ethereum client actively developed as an open source project.
There are a default configuration (parity/default.toml) used by default by Vagrant.
However, you are free to use your own alternative variants, for example:
env CONFIG=with_dapps CHAIN=example1 vagrant up
or even:
env CONFIG=with_dapps CHAIN=example1 vagrant provision
In these examples are used simple name conventions. ‘with_dapps’ implies the existence of configuration file at 'parity/with_dapps.toml'. For chain ‘example1’ it corresponds to 'parity/chain/example1.json' respectively.