A WebAssembly to EVM compiler
Right now we aim to compile the hello world program below from WASM to EVM.
(memory 1
(segment 8 "hello world!\n")
(import $__fwrite "env" "_fwrite" (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32))
(import $_get__stdout "env" "get__stdout" (param) (result i32))
(export "main" $main)
(func $main (result i32)
(local $stdout i32)
(set_local $stdout (call_import $_get__stdout))
(return (call_import $__fwrite
(i32.const 8) ;; void *ptr => Address of our string
(i32.const 1) ;; size_t size => Data size
(i32.const 13) ;; size_t nmemb => Length of our string
(get_local $stdout)) ;; stream
The compiled version will only utilize at most 64 bit of integers
except for hash values and addresses. This is under the assumption
that most integers never exceed u64::max_value()
This could lead to a small increase in gas cost. But under the above assumption, using a well-optimized EVM interpreter, it does not necessily lead to slower code.
First, we use the PUSHX
opcodes and MSTORE
opcode to initialize
the memory as specified by WASM. This writes "hello world!\n"
memory location 8.
WebAssembly's table is probamatic. Currently, it is only used to implement indirect function calls in C/C++ using an integer index as the pointer-to-function and the table to hold the array of indirectly-callable functions. As a result, it can be ignored as of now.
In the future, table is mostly dealt with GC. This is not existant in the Ethereum world. So it can also be ignored.
Exports are ignored (or they can be used in ABI in the
future). Imports other than "env"
is not allowed right now.
In the future, imports from other modules will be compacted to one single module.
Code in main is unwrapped directly below initialization. Other
functions are added below, with a JUMPDEST
opcode. Those functions
will need to manage their own call stack and return values. Local
variables are set to the memory, with the exception of external
objects like this returned by $_get__stdout
. This is analyzed away.
When dealing with nested function calls. The return values are dealt
by stack. __fwrite
call serves two functions -- when working with
stdout, it uses LOG
opcode; when working with other things, it uses
a filesystem library built on top of the contract storage.
The hello world example will be directly compiled to a LOG
and a RETURN
opcode (with several PUSH
opcodes to write the
parameters, probably).