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EUDI Wallet-driven signer QTSP


âť— Important! Before you proceed, please read the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation project description

Table of contents


This is a REST API server that implements a wallet-driven QTSP for the remote Qualified Electronic Signature component of the EUDI Wallet. The QTSP provides endpoints based on the CSC API v2.0 specification and supports authentication via OpenID4VP.

Currently, the server is running at "", but you can deploy it in your environment.

The Wallet Centric rQES Specification can be found here.


The released software is an initial development release version:

  • The initial development release is an early endeavor reflecting the efforts of a short timeboxed period, and by no means can be considered as the final product.
  • The initial development release may be changed substantially over time, might introduce new features but also may change or remove existing ones, potentially breaking compatibility with your existing code.
  • The initial development release is limited in functional scope.
  • The initial development release may contain errors or design flaws and other problems that could cause system or other failures and data loss.
  • The initial development release has reduced security, privacy, availability, and reliability standards relative to future releases. This could make the software slower, less reliable, or more vulnerable to attacks than mature software.
  • The initial development release is not yet comprehensively documented.
  • Users of the software must perform sufficient engineering and additional testing in order to properly evaluate their application and determine whether any of the open-sourced components is suitable for use in that application.
  • We strongly recommend not putting this version of the software into production use.
  • Only the latest version of the software will be supported

Sequence Diagrams

Service Authentication

    title Service (QTSP) Authentication

    actor U as UserAgent
    participant EW as EUDI Wallet
    participant AS as Authorization Server (QTSP)
    participant OIDV as OID4VP Verifier

    U->>+EW: Selects QTSP to use
    EW->>+AS: GET /oauth2/authorize?...&redirect_uri=wallet://oauth2/callback&...

    opt is not authenticated
        AS->>+OIDV: Authorization Request (Post{oid4vp_redirect_uri})
        OIDV->>-AS: Authorization Request returns
        AS->>+AS: Generate link to Wallet
        AS->>-EW: Redirect to link in the Wallet
        EW->>-U: Request Authorization
        U->>+EW: Authorize (Shares PID)
        EW->>+AS: GET oid4vp_redirect_uri
        AS->>+OIDV: Get VP Token
        OIDV->>-AS: Send VP Token
        AS->>+AS: Validate VP Token
        AS->>+EW: Returns session token (successful authentication) & Redirects to /oauth2/authorize
        EW->>+AS: GET /oauth2/authorize?...&redirect_uri=wallet://oauth2/callback&... [Cookie JSession]

    AS->>+EW: Redirect to wallet://oauth2/callback?code={code}
    EW->>+EW: GET wallet://oauth2/callback?code={code}
    EW->>+AS: /oauth2/token?code={code}
    AS->>+AS: Generate Access Token
    AS->>+EW: Return Access Token

Credentials Listing

    title Credential Listing

    actor U as UserAgent
    participant SCC as Signature Creation Component (EUDIW)
    participant RS as Resource Server (QTSP)
    U->>+SCC: Request list of available credentials
    SCC->>+RS: /credentials/list
    opt credential list is empty
        RS->>+RS: issue credentials
    RS->>-SCC: List of the credentials of the user
    SCC->>-U: Present the list of credentials

    opt is a single credential info requested
        U->>+SCC: Request the information of a single credential
        SCC->>+RS: /credentials/info
        RS->>-SCC: credential's information    
        SCC->>-U: Present the credential's information

Credential Authorization

    title Document Signing

    actor U as UserAgent
    participant EW as EUDI Wallet
    participant SCA as Signature Creation Application
    participant AS as Authorization Server (QTSP)
    participant RS as Resource Server (QTSP)
    participant OIDV as OID4VP Verifier

    U->>+EW: Chooses credential to use
    U->>+EW: Request document signing
    EW->>+RS: /csc/v2/credentials/info
    RS->>-EW: credentials info

    EW->>+SCA: "calculate hash" (certificates, document to sign)
    SCA->>-EW: hash value

    EW->>+AS: /oauth2/authorize?...&redirect_uri=wallet://login/oauth2/code&...
    AS->>+OIDV: Authorization Request (Post{oid4vp_redirect_uri})
    OIDV->>-AS: Authorization Request returns
    AS->>+AS: Generate link to Wallet
    AS->>-EW: Redirect to link in the Wallet
    EW->>-U: Request Authorization

    U->>+EW: Authorize (Shares PID)
    EW->>+AS: Redirect to oid4vp_redirect_uri
    AS->>+OIDV: Request VP Token
    OIDV->>-AS: Get and validate VP Token
    AS->>-EW: Returns session token (successful authentication) & Redirects to /oauth2/authorize
    EW->>+AS: GET /oauth2/authorize?...&redirect_uri=wallet://oauth2/callback&... [Cookie JSession]
    AS->>-EW: Redirect to wallet://login/oauth2/code?code={code}
    EW->>+EW: Get wallet://login/oauth2/code....
    EW->>+AS: /oauth2/token?code={code}
    AS->>-EW: access token authorizing credentials use (SAD/R)

    EW->>+RS: /signatures/signHash
    RS->>-EW: signature

    EW->>+SCA: "obtain signed document" (certificates & document & signature value)
    SCA->>-EW: signed document


The endpoints presented below are based on the CSC API v2.0 specifications.

  • /oauth2/authorize
  • /oauth2/token
  • /csc/v2/info
  • /csc/v2/credentials/list
  • /csc/v2/credentials/info
  • /csc/v2/signatures/signHash



  • Java version 17
  • Apache Maven 3.6.3
  • MySQL

Common Tools

  1. Create the application-crypto.yml file

The application-crypto.yml file must be created in the common_tools/src/main/resources folder.

symmetric-secret-key: # a BASE64-encoded value of an AES secret key

This secret key is required to encode certain values in JWT tokens.

Authorization Server (AS)

  1. Create the application-auth.yml file

    It is required to create an application-auth.yml file in the folder authorization_server/src/main/resources. This file allows to define the access credentials of a user of the database for this server. The file should follow the format:

       datasourceUsername: # the username of the database user, with permissions to the define database
       datasourcePassword: # the password of the database user, with permissions to the define database
  2. Create the application-client-registration.yml file

    It is required to create an application-client-registration.yml file in the folder authorization_server/src/main/resources. This file allows to define the OAuth2.0 client of the Authorization Server. This file should follow the format:

                client-id: "{client-id}"
                client-secret: "{noop}{client-secret}"
                   - "client_secret_basic"
                   - "authorization_code"
                   - "{redirect-uris}"
                   - "service"
                   - "credential"
                require-authorization-consent: false
                client-id: "{client-id}"
                client-secret: "{noop}{client-secret}"
                   - "client_secret_basic"
                   - "authorization_code"
                   - "{redirect-uris}"
                   - "service"
                   - "credential"
                require-authorization-consent: false
  3. Create database and user with the required permissions

    The current program uses a MySQL database. To run it locally, it is necessary to have a MySQL server running. If you're using Ubuntu or a Debian-based system, you can install and start MySQL with the following commands:

    sudo apt install mysql-server -y
    sudo systemctl start mysql.service

    After installing MySQL, create a database and a new user:

    CREATE DATABASE {database_name};
    CREATE USER {username}@{ip} IDENTIFIED BY {password};
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO {username}@{ip};

    Replace {ip} with the appropriate IP address or hostname of the AS component, {username} with the username of the user you wish to create, {password} with the password of the user, and {database_name} with the database to be created. If the AS program and the database run on the same system, use 'localhost' instead of the IP address:

    CREATE USER {username}@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY {password};
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO {username}@'localhost';

    Lastly, don't forget to set the username and the password of the user created in the application-auth.yml, and to set the database name in the application.yml.

  4. Create tables in the database

    There are a few tables that are required to be defined to use the OAuth2.0 from Spring Boot, that need to be created in the previously created database. The tables are:

  5. Set parameters value for authentication using OpenId4VP

    This application requires users to authenticate and authorize the signature of documents with Certificates they own through their EUDI Wallet. To enable this feature (authentication using PID), communication with a backend Verifier is necessary. Define the address and URL of the Verifier by adding the configuration in application.yml located in the folder authorization_server/src/main/resources:


    By default, this configuration is set to a backend server based on the code from the github 'eu-digital-identity-wallet/eudi-srv-web-verifier-endpoint-23220-4-kt'. Therefore, the default configuration is:

  6. Update the application.yml

    In the application.yml, it is required to update the value of the configuration to the url of the Authorization Server.

       url: {url_authorization_server}
  7. Add the issuers certificate

    It is required to add to the folder certificate_of_issuers the certificates of the issuers of VP Tokens that can be trusted. Only the VP Tokens with certificates issued by the certificates in that folder will be accepted.

  8. Run the Authorization Server After configuring the previously mentioned settings, navigate to the tools directory and run the script


Resource Server (RS)

  1. Create the application-auth.yml file

    It is required to create an application-auth.yml file in the folder resource_server/src/main/resources. This file allows to define the access credentials of a user of the database for this server. The file should follow the format:

       datasourceUsername: # the username of the database user, with permissions to the define database
       datasourcePassword: # the password of the database user, with permissions to the define database
       dbEncryptionPassphrase: # a password to encrypt/decrypt the secret keys before saving them in the database
       dbEncryptionSalt: # a BASE64-encoded value corresponding to the "Salt" required to form the key that will encrypt/decrypt the secret keys before saving them in the database
  2. Create the application-ejbca.yml file The current implementation makes HTTP requests to an EJBCA server, which serves as a Certificate Authority (CA) for issuing new certificates when a user requests it.

    These HTTP requests are executed using configurations specified in the file application-ejbca.yml, located at resource_server/src/main/resources. This file supports configurations for different countries.

       # Values required to access the EJBCA:
       cahost: # the address of the EJBCA implementation
       clientP12ArchiveFilepath: # the filepath to the pfx file
       clientP12ArchivePassword: # the password of the pfx file
       managementCA: # the filepath of the ManagementCA file
       # Endpoint:
       endpoint: /certificate/pkcs10enroll
       # Values required by the endpoint "/pkcs10enroll":
       certificateProfileName: # the Certificate Profile Name
       endEntityProfileName: # The End Enity Profile Name
       username: # Username for authentication
       password: # Password for authentication
       includeChain: true
       - country: # country code
         certificateAuthorityName: # the certificate authority name for that country
  3. Create database and user with the required permissions

    The current program uses a MySQL database. To run it locally, it is necessary to have a MySQL server running. If you're using Ubuntu or a Debian-based system, you can install and start MySQL with the following commands:

    sudo apt install mysql-server -y
    sudo systemctl start mysql.service

    After installing MySQL, create a database and a new user:

    CREATE DATABASE {database_name};
    CREATE USER {username}@{ip} IDENTIFIED BY {password};
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO {username}@{ip};

    Replace {ip} with the appropriate IP address or hostname of the RS component, {username} with the username of the user you wish to create, {password} with the password of the user, and {database_name} with the database to be created. If the RS program and the database run on the same system, use 'localhost' instead of the IP address:

    CREATE USER {username}@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY {password};
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO {username}@'localhost';

    Lastly, don't forget to set the username and the password of the user created in the application-auth.yml, and to set the database name in the application.yml.

  4. Configure the HSM Module

    The current implementation uses a Hardware Secure Module to create and use the signature keys. The library jacknji11 in allows to make this requests to an HSM distribution. To use this library it is required to define the environmental variables:


    This version of the program was tested using the HSM distribution Utimaco vHSM.

  5. Update the application.yml

    In the application.yml, it is required to update the value of the configuration to the url of the Authorization Server.

                   jwk-set-uri: {url_authorization_server}/oauth2/jwks
                   issuer-uri: {url_authorization_server}
  6. Run the Resource Server After configuring the previously mentioned settings, navigate to the tools directory and run the script


How to contribute

We welcome contributions to this project. To ensure that the process is smooth for everyone involved, follow the guidelines found in


Third-party component licenses

See for details.

License details

Copyright (c) 2023 European Commission

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.