The project will not be further maintained. I suggest to use docker-compose instead of Vagrant docker provider to gain better UX.
The project goal is to speed up software development process and enhance existing testing framework by utilizing docker container technology.
The container can be created and destroyed promptly!
Some key featrues provided:
Provides hadoocker-base CentOS docker container
Provides bigtop-hadoop pseudo-distributed docker container
Provides hadoop and service integration testing and CI template
hadoocker-base CentOS (hadoocker/hadoocker-base)
Bigtop Hadoop pseudo-distributed (hadoocker/hadoop)
Bigtop Hadoop client (hadoocker/hadoop-client)
hadoocker-base CentOS (hadoocker/virtualbox-vm/hadoocker-base)
Bigtop Hadoop pseudo-distributed (hadoocker/virtualbox-vm/hadoop)
Bigtop Hadoop client (hadoocker/virtualbox-vm/hadoop-client)
Install VirtualBox
Install Vagrant
Install VirtualBox
Install Vagrant
Install git(to get git bash. you can install cygwin instead)
The hadoocker toolkit has been tested in the following environment, thus please make sure you have at least equal or higher software verison:
OS: yungsang/boot2docker 1.3.5, CentOS
VirtualBox: 4.3.15
Vagrant 1.7.1
Docker: 1.3.2
vagrant box add yungsang/boot2docker --insecure
git clone
cd hadoocker/hadoocker-base
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
open git bash or cygwin
git clone
cd hadoocker/virtualbox-vm/centos-docker-platform/
vagrant up
vagrant ssh #Get in the CentOS VM. The following commands are operated on the VM instead of cygwin
sudo su -
cd /hadoocker/hadoocker-base
vagrant up
vagrant ssh #Get in the CentOS Docker container
If you already have Linux environment which does not created from hadoocker, please
be aware that the newest Docker with security fix does not allow non https dockerhub access.
In order to access private dockerhub, you needs to add a configuration in docker daemon to workaround it.
- On CentOS:
sudo echo "other_args=\"--insecure-registry <PRIVATE_DOCKERHUB_FQDN>\"" > /etc/sysconfig/docker
sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart
See hadoocker/virtualbox-vm/centos-docker-platform/
And, make sure you have SELINUX DISABLED!!!
$ vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux
Otherwise, you will get Broken pipe failure while doing vagrant ssh.
- On boot2docker:
- Aside the security fix workaround, there is also a critical issue which is that the file system view can be different under certain image building operations. To avoid that happening, the boot2docker driver should be specified to devicemapper.
sudo sh -c "echo \"EXTRA_ARGS=\\\"--insecure-registry <PRIVATE_DOCKERHUB_FQDN> --storage-driver=devicemapper\\\"\" > /var/lib/boot2docker/profile"
sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart
See hadoocker/docker-platform/
git clone
cd hadoocker/hadoocker-base
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
- Note: when first time doing vagrant up, it might take 3-5min to download the image
cd hadoocker-base
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd hadoop
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
- Note: The hadoop container may require memory up to 2500MB to be running smoothly
cd hadoop-cluster
cd virtualbox-vm/hadoop-cluster ./
I want a VM
I want to test my newly developed pig script
I want to test my hbase feature
Develop continuous integration to run end to end integration test with hadoop
Browse available images on registry-ui. For unknown reason, this takes times loading, please just wait:)
Search private dockerhub(registry) in command-line:
[root@evans ~]# $ docker search <PRIVATE_DOCKERHUB_FQDN>/hadoocker
library/hadoocker 0
library/hadoocker-client 0