Unit testing assignment from the ISP course at Kasetsart University.
Write a table describing your test cases.
Test case | Expected Result |
empty list | empty list |
one item | list with 1 item |
one item many times | list with 1 item |
2 items, many times, many orders | 2 item list, items in same order |
what other test case? | what result? |
Extended number arithmetic is beyond the requirements of this assignment, but I tested these anyway out of curiosity. In most cases, operations get the correct result w/o any special code.
means Fraction(1,0), -infinity
is Fraction(-1,0), and NaN
is Fraction(0,0). f
means any finite, non-zero fraction.
Test case | Expected Result |
add typical fractions | correct sum |
f + zero | f |
f + infinity | f |
infinity + infinity | infinity |
zero + infinity | infinity |
NaN + infinity | NaN |
infinity + -infinity | NaN |
NaN + anything | NaN |