New Machine is a shell script to setup a new macOS installation with all my favourite design, development and entertainment software.
macOS tools:
- Homebrew for managing operating system libraries.
Unix related:
- fish as your shell.
- git for version control.
- gnupg2 for encryption and signing.
- OpenSSL for Transport Layer Security (TLS).
- tmux for saving project state and switching between projects.
- Vim for a powerful text editor.
- zsh as a second shell.
PGP & Yubikey:
Image tools:
- ImageMagick for converting, cropping, resizing and renaming images in the command line.
Programming languages and configuration:
- Node.js for running JavaScript applications.
- npm for installing JavaScript packages.
- yarn for installing JavaScript packages.
Applications for design, productivity and entertainment:
- Alfred for increased productivity and efficiency with macOS.
- AppCleaner to help fully remove applications.
- Brave for browsing the web fast and secure.
- Caffeine to keep your Mac awake.
- Google Chrome for browsing the web.
- Cryptomater for cloud storage encryption.
- Discord for a chat.
- DropBox for cloud storage.
- Evernote to get thoughts organized.
- Figma for web design.
- FontExplorer X for fonts organization.
- FontPrep for font generation.
- Firefox for browsing the web.
- iTerm2 for a nicer terminal.
- KeePassX for password managment.
- Keybase to map social media identities to encryption keys
- Mullvad for VPN.
- Notion for overall organization.
- Pock for managing macOS touch bar.
- Processing for creative fun.
- Slack for team work communication.
- Spotify for music.
- Sketch for digital design.
- Sketch Toolbox to manage plugins in Sketch.
- Sublime Text 3 as a text editor.
- The Unarchiver for extracting archives that are not supported by macOS out of the box.
- Thunderbird as an email client.
- Tor for online privacy.
- Tor Browser for browsing the web privately.
- Transmission for torrents.
- Transmit for FTP.
- Vagrant for creating and configuring development environments.
- Vagrant Manager to keep all vagrant machines in one place.
- VeraCrypt for disk encryption.
- VirtualBox for x86 hardware virtualization.
- VLC to watch all kind of video files.
Applications for security:
- BlockBlock for monitoring persistence locations.
- DHS to scan for dylib hijacking.
- Do Not Disturb to protect against "evil maids".
- Knock Knock to uncover persistently installed software.
- LuLu as a free, open-source firewall.
- OverSight for mic and webcam monitoring.
- ReiKey against "event taps".
- Security Growler for notification whenever SSH, VNC, sudo, or other auth events occur.
- TaskExplorer to visually explore all running tasks.
Feel free to use it.
Inspired by thoughtbot's laptop.