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Setup Local Development

Shawn Aten edited this page Mar 16, 2018 · 4 revisions

Follow these steps to get the project running locally; It should take less than an hour. After completing these steps you should be able to run the demo app. You don't need prior Android experience if you want to get the demo running, but not make any contributions. In that case, you may want to look at Google's intro docs, particularly the section on running an app.

git clone
  • Create a Filestack account if you don't have one.

  • Fill out the credentials for the demo app in an XML file located at demo/src/main/res/values/keys.xml. If your "Filestack App" doesn't have security enabled, you can leave the policy and signature empty. You can use the default return_url value for development.

    <string name="api_key">API_KEY</string>
    <string name="policy">SECURITY_POLICY</string>
    <string name="signature">SECURITY_SIGNATURE</string>
    <string name="return_url"></string>
  • Select and run the "demo" configuration on a connected physical or emulated device.