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Local development

Théophile Choutri edited this page Aug 7, 2023 · 2 revisions

Project Setup

The compiler version used is described in the cabal.project file. cabal-install version 3.8 or higher is needed.

The following Haskell command-line tools will have to be installed:

  • postgresql-migration: To perform schema migrations
  • fourmolu- To style the code base. Version is
  • hlint & apply-refact: To enforce certain patterns in the code base ("lint")
  • cabal-fmt and nixfmt: To style the cabal and nix files
  • ghcid: To automatically reload the Haskell code base upon source changes
  • OPTIONAL: ghc-tags: To generate ctags or etags for the project

(Some of the above packages have incompatible dependencies, so don't try to install them all at once with cabal install)

Flora server

The configuration is handled through environment variables. They are all prefixed by FLORA_ to avoid conflict, and the server will tell you which ones are missing.

To start in the best of conditions, create a file called with the following content:


This will get all the variables from and allow you to override them locally.

If you use direnv, you are advised to create a symbolic link from to .envrc.

You can then build the server with make build. Do not simply run cabal build.

A very useful command to run is

$ make start-tmux

To start a tmux session with code reloading for frontend and backend:

To explore the other possible Make rules, type:

$ make help


The Flora server uses PostgreSQL 14. Please install it.

Side-Quest: First installation

If this is your first time with PostgreSQL, here is what you should do:

  1. Locate the pg_hba.conf file. If a search engine cannot help you, you can find it easily with sudo find / -type f -name pg_hba.conf on UNIX systems.
  2. Go to the bottom of the file and perform the following changes:
local   all             all                                     peer
# IPv4 local connections:
- host    all             all               md5
+ host    all             all               scram-sha-256
# IPv6 local connections:
- host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5
+ host    all             all             ::1/128                 scram-sha-256
  1. Restart the database engine (using systemctl on Linux, or brew services restart postgresql@14 if you have installed PostgreSQL with brew)

  2. Connect (via sudo) to the root user

user $ sudo -s
[sudo] password: [type your user's password]

Then as root, connect to the postgres account, and open a psql shell.

root # su -l postgres
postgres $ psql
psql (14.7 (Ubuntu 14.7-1.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.

Now, set the password for user postgres to the character string 'postgres'

postgres=# alter role postgres with password 'postgres';

And you are good to go.

Setup project

To create the database and apply the migrations, type:

$ make db-setup

you can also use db-create and db-drop to create and delete the database in the PostgreSQL instance.

Docker Workflow

A docker-based workflow is provided. The idea is to develop from within a container that brings with it all dependencies, and communicates with another container for the PostgreSQL database.

# Start the containers
$ make docker-up
# Once the containers are running, you can enter the development environment and start hacking
$ make docker-enter
$ source
# You'll be in the docker container. Environment variables are automatically set 
# so you should be able to start Flora
(docker)$ make start-tmux
# You'll be in a tmux session, everything should be launched
# Visit localhost:8084 from your web browser to see if it all works.

To provision the development database, type:

$ make docker-enter
(docker)$ make db-reset
# And you should be good!


Nix is an alternative way to interact with the Flora codebase.

Flora provides a nix setup to make provisioning a development environment and creating reproducible and simple builds. To show all available flake attributes, run

nix flake show -Lv --allow-import-from-derivation --fallback

Using nix as provider for a development environment

Obtaining a devShell which contains all tools for develop flora, including correct compiler and haskell tooling is as simple as running

nix -Lv develop

We recommend using our proposed nix config settings, including the extra binary cache, but ultimately it's up to you whether you trust those settings by reacting with y on the prompt after running a nix command.

Warning accepting binary caches from a flake requires elevated rights for nix, only allow it, if you know what you're doing

Using nix with direnv

Direnv can drastically reduce development cycles by reducing the amount of times nix evaluates the expressions for this repository, which is a drastic improvement, especially with IFD (which this repo uses due to callCabal2nix).

Devshell startup times will be instant if you didn't change anything in the configuration and as long as usual if you need to re-evaluate the nix-expressions (i.e. on cabal config changes or nix changes).

Find out how to install direnv on your machine by visiting their github.o After installing, add a .envrc file to the root of the project containing:

use flake -Lv --fallback

and run

direnv allow

To reload the direnv environment, run

direnv reload

Formatting and Linting with nix and pre-commit-hooks

After starting up a devShell with nix develop or direnv, a shellHook will run that installs two things

  • a script, called pre-commit
  • a pre-commit hook for git

The former can be invoked to run the formatters and linters on the entire project, to check everything, run

pre-commit run -a

to check a single check run

pre-commit run <check>

Note The available hooks can be found in ./nix/pre-commit-config.nix

The latter is invoked when calling git commit, it will abort the commit, if the linting and formatting does not succeed.

If you want to commit although they do not succeed, pass --no-verify to the git commit command.

Warning Be careful that this does not mean you get around linting and formatting, as they're checked in CI

Using nix to build and run flora

To verify, that the haskell code builds, the tests pass and the formatting and linting are correct, as well as the nix code working, run

nix flake check -Lv --allow-import-from-derivation

To build flora, invoke

nix build -Lv

To run the cli, run

nix run .#cli

To run the server, run

nix run .#server

You will need the Soufflé datalog engine v2.3

  • yarn: The tool that handles the JavaScript code bases
  • esbuild: The tool that handles asset bundling