An example Solidus website for to demonstrate to clients.
How to set up a dev environment for this project:
Clone the project
Create a .env file in root and include keys
- RACK_ENV=development
- DB_URL='postgres://localhost/flow_solidus_demo_development' file and place it in config/ (You can probably just copy the
sample file.) - SECRET_TOKEN='big-hash'
- SECRET_KEY_BASE='other-big-hash'
bash one liner to generate big hash ruby -e 'require "securerandom"; puts SecureRandom.hex(64)'
bundle install
to grab the gems. -
bundle exec rails g spree:install
to set up seed and sample data -
Log in to /admin with the default admin account. By default, user is
[email protected]
and passwordspree123
- ./app - files that need to be loaded in all environments
- ./bin - executables
- ./config - app config
- ./db - migrations and DB specific stuff
- ./lib - libraries that we load on demand and rake tasks
- ./public - public files
- ./spec - rspec tests
- The
branch contains the state of the site on the production server - The
branch contains the state of the site on the staging server - All other branches should start with
and a number that matches a corresponding open issue on Codebase or Github
In general, try and follow the guidelines in the Ruby Style Guide.
- Soft tabs, two spaces.
- Use ruby 1.9 style hash syntax.
attr: value
not:attr => value
- Use spree subdirectories (
etc.) for frontend overrides - Use Deface to insert new admin view code.
You'll need an admin user account with an API token. All requests should include the header
X-Spree-Token: [YOUR TOKEN]
Find your token by running rails console
and then query for it:
Spree::User.find_by_email("[email protected]").spree_api_key
find the location of solidus gems
bundle show solidus
frontend is here
bundle show solidus_frontend
subl `bundle show solidus_frontend`
then go to app/views/spree and copy them to local app/views/spress. names have to match or
curl \
-H "X-Spree-Token: YOUR_TOKEN" \
curl \
-H "X-Spree-Token: YOUR_TOKEN" \
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Spree-Token: YOUR_TOKEN" \
-d '
"product": {
"price": "10.99",
"name": "Example Product",
"shipping_category_id": "1"
}' http://localhost:3000/api/products
- Shipping categories are used to tag products that have particular shipping requirements e.g. "Flammable", "Oversized". In our demo store we initially have a single shipping category "Default" with ID 1.
- Shipping categories can also be referenced by name e.g.
"shipping_category": "Flammable"
. If no such category exists, it will be created. - Note that with this minimal data, Solidus will assign the current time as the product's
date, so the product will immediately be visible on the front end.
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Spree-Token: YOUR_TOKEN" \
-d '
"product": {
"price": "10.99",
"name": "Simple T-Shirt",
"shipping_category_id": "1",
"description": "Simple no-frills T-Shirt",
"available_on": "2016-08-03T03:23:45.538Z",
"meta_description": "Simple T-Shirt",
"meta_keywords": "t-shirt, simple",
"taxon_ids": "1,2,3",
"sku": "STS001",
"weight": "12.34",
"height": "12.34",
"depth": "12.34",
"tax_category_id": "1"
}' http://localhost:3000/api/products
- The slug will be generated from the product name and SKU
- Taxons need to exist with the specified ids
- Tax categories are used similarly to shipping categories, to tag products with particular tax characteristics. In our demo store we initially have a single shipping category "Default" with ID 1.
- A
can be included to populate a pre-defined set of properties, options and taxons
curl \
-H "X-Spree-Token: YOUR_TOKEN" \
From the command line:
bundle exec rspec
From the Rails console:
u = User.find(5)
u.spree_roles << Spree::Role.where(name:"admin").first
From the command line:
rake import:csv:products path_to_product_csv_file.csv
rake import:csv:variants path_to_product_csv_file.csv
Example CSV files are in lib/tasks
- products are in spree_products
- images are in spree_assets but are added trough Spree::Image < Asset (single table inheritance)
- unfortunately there is no asset_id or image_id in spree_products
- for upload
- image -> local file handle
- product -> local product
- img = Image.create(:attachment => image, :viewable_id =>
[email protected] test123