git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:robd003/voxsnap-v2.git [whatever-you-want-to-call-it]
docker-compose build
docker-compose run
Here's the info for starting up CrateDB and restoring the analytics data
Either use docker-compose to start crate or you can start it manually yourself:
docker run -d --name=crate -p 4200:4200 -p 5442:5432 -v crate_data:/data -e CRATE_HEAP_SIZE=1g crate -Clicense.enterprise=false -Cpath.repo=/data/backup
- You'll want to install the CrateDB client called crash, it's just a python module / tool
pip3 install crash
- Connect to your database
crash --hosts http://localhost:4200
- Run these two commands within the SQL shell:
CREATE REPOSITORY dataset TYPE s3 WITH (bucket='voxsnap-contractor', endpoint='', access_key='ask_rob_for_key', secret_key='ask_rob_for_secret', compress=true);
RESTORE SNAPSHOT dataset.analytics_2018_11 ALL WITH (wait_for_completion=true);
If you're trying to update the data then run the following:
DROP TABLE voxsnap.events_2018;
DROP TABLE voxsnap.events_session_2018;
DROP TABLE voxsnap.events_timeupdate_2018;
DROP TABLE voxsnap.errors;
RESTORE SNAPSHOT dataset.analytics_2018_11 ALL WITH (wait_for_completion=true);
- Verify the database has been restored (http://localhost:4200/#!/tables/voxsnap/events_2018)
Install pipenv (in case you don't have it installed yet). In the terminal:
pip install pipenv
Initialize virtual environment:
pipenv install --three
Copy the file at voxsnap/settings/ and save it in the same directory under the name of "":
cp voxsnap/settings/ voxsnap/settings/
python createsuperuser
Required Node.js version: 11 (Node Version Manager might come in handy)
$ cd frontend && `npm install`
pipenv run python runserver
cd frontend && npm run dev-server
For working without live-reloading and webpack-dev-server
you can create a production build of nodejs/react assets
cd frontend && npm run build-prod