This is a collection of projects from my undergraduate education at University of South Carolina, 2014--. All of these repos are archived, and this repo will be archived too once I graduate.
CSCE 611: CPU Design
A MIPS CPU I made in Verilog for 611. It was originally designed for a Cyclone IV FPGA with VGA output, but the repo also includes C++ files for running Verilator simulations with an SDL frontend. The simulation is quite slow, however.
CSCE 590/2: Capstone Project
The small end product of my capstone project. It is a Python/GTK+ application that facilitates managing Pixhawk-based robots via MAVLink in the field. Despite it being the product of a supposedly team oriented capstone project, I wrote the entire thing myself near the end of the semester. Note that the application no longer runs out of the box, as the Google Maps API key has been invalidated. You can, however, replace it with your own API key, and it should work fine.
VM/container tools (Vagrant-based) that I made to facilitate my team members in ROS development. Not that they used them. Or did anything. I'm not salty.
CSCE 574: Robotics
Navigation ROS node based on potential fields. You can read the code interleaved with documentation on my site, and you can get the PDF output from the GitHub repo.
CSCE 274: Intro. Robotics
A project management tool I made for automating building and upload of programs for the AVR on the iRobot Create used in the class. The repo also contains the code for the final project of that class.
Project 2 from the class, and actually my first-ever GitHub repo.
CSCE 212: Intro. Computer Architecture
It isn't a compiler, but it does convert enough of GCC's output to do the homework.
MATH 142: Calculus II
Just a fun little thing I did at the end of the class.
Stuff I Wrote In High School, Because Why Not
Miscellaneous Python scripts I wrote on my iPhone 4 while I was supposed to be taking notes.
Naval-ish large-ish AI-ish simulation written by Josh Benton. I wrote the recording and replay subsystems.
Quite terrible chat application I wrote in 2012. This was the first real program I wrote, and I was very excited about XML, but really didn't understand how it worked. Lots of comments, at least.