This guide shows two examples. One introduces how to quickly run the out-of-the-box sample for react.js created by "create-react-app" in Foxit PDF SDK for Web package, and the other presents a way to integrate Foxit PDF SDK for Web into React app created by "create-react-app".
Note:The root folder of Foxit PDF SDK for Web
is referred as root
in the following.
Foxit PDF SDK for Web provides a boilerplate project for React app which was created by "create-react-app".
│ └── index.html
│ ├─components/
│ │ └─PDFViewer/
│ ├─App.css
│ ├─App.js
│ ├─index.css
│ ├─index.js
│ ├─license-key.js
│ └──preload.js
File/Folder | Description |
src/ | Contains all JS and CSS files for the app. |
src/components/PDFViewer/ | Contains the initilization plugins for FoxitPDFSDK for Web. |
src/preload.js | This entry point used to preload SDK core assets. |
src/license-key.js | The license-key |
src/App.js | The entry point for application. |
config-overrides.js | Adjust the Webpack configuration |
package.json | Lists dependencies, version build information and ect. |
Let's call the Foxit PDF SDK for Web as SDK.
Clone this repository to any location
git clone
Place the
, You can find the license information atSDK/examples/
. -
Navigate to
folder, and execute:
yarn start
Now everything is set up. Open your browser, navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to launch this application.
If some text in a PDF document requires a specified font to be rendered correctly, you need to specify a font loading path during initialization. In this example, you can refer to the fontPath
configuration in src/preload.js
. What we need to do is to copy the external
folder in the SDK to the public
folder so that the special font can be rendered normally.
Starting from FoxitPDFSDK for Web version 10.0.0
, since service worker is used, it is necessary to add this field in the HTTP response header of the Service Worker script. Its value is the maximum allowed scope path:
Service-Worker-Allowed /;
If you are using Nginx as your server, you can add the Service-Worker-Allowed
response header by modifying the Nginx configuration file. Below is an example configuration:
server {
location /sw.js {
add_header Service-Worker-Allowed /;
If you use Webpack Dev Server for local development, you can add Service-Worker-Allowed
response headers by configuring devServer. The following is a configuration example:
// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
// 其他配置
devServer: {
headers: {
'Service-Worker-Allowed': '/'
Create the React app with "create-react-app":
npx create-react-app app
folder, Updatepackage.json
:"scripts": { "start": "react-app-rewired --max_old_space_size=8192 start", "build": "react-app-rewired --max_old_space_size=8192 build", "test": "react-app-rewired --max_old_space_size=8192 test --env=jsdom", "eject": "react-app-rewired --max_old_space_size=8192 eject" },
folder, addconfig-overrides.js
:const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); const { override, addWebpackPlugin, addWebpackExternals} = require('customize-cra'); const path = require("path") const libraryModulePath = path.resolve('node_modules/@foxitsoftware/foxit-pdf-sdk-for-web-library'); const libPath = path.resolve(libraryModulePath, 'lib'); module.exports = override( addWebpackPlugin( new CopyWebpackPlugin({ patterns: [{ from: libPath, to: 'foxit-lib', force: true }] }) ), addWebpackExternals( 'UIExtension', 'PDFViewCtrl' ) )
folder, addlicense-key.js
, copy the content below to that file and fill in the License's KEY and SN fields.export const licenseKey = ''; export const licenseSN = '';
folder, addpreload.js
:import preloadJrWorker from '@foxitsoftware/foxit-pdf-sdk-for-web-library/lib/preload-jr-worker'; import { licenseKey, licenseSN } from './license-key'; const libPath = "/foxit-lib/" window.readyWorker = preloadJrWorker({ workerPath: libPath, enginePath: libPath+'/jr-engine/gsdk', fontPath: '/external/brotli', licenseSN, licenseKey, });
Copy the
folder inside SDK topublic
folder. -
file, importpreload.js
:import './preload.js'
folder, addcomponents/PDFViewer/index.js
:import React, { createRef, forwardRef, useImperativeHandle, useRef } from 'react'; import * as UIExtension from '@foxitsoftware/foxit-pdf-sdk-for-web-library/lib/UIExtension.full.js'; import "@foxitsoftware/foxit-pdf-sdk-for-web-library/lib/UIExtension.css"; import * as Addons from '@foxitsoftware/foxit-pdf-sdk-for-web-library/lib/uix-addons/allInOne.js'; import * as mobileAddons from '@foxitsoftware/foxit-pdf-sdk-for-web-library/lib/uix-addons/'; function PDFViewer(props, ref) { const viewerContainerRef = useRef(null); const pdfuiInstanceRef = createRef(); useImperativeHandle(ref,() => { if(window.pdfui){ pdfuiInstanceRef.current = window.pdfui return pdfuiInstanceRef.current } const renderTo = viewerContainerRef.current; const libPath = "/foxit-lib/"; const pdfui = new UIExtension.PDFUI({ viewerOptions: { libPath, jr: { readyWorker: window.readyWorker }, ...(props.viewerOptions || {}) } renderTo: renderTo, appearance: UIExtension.appearances.adaptive, addons: UIExtension.PDFViewCtrl.DeviceInfo.isMobile? mobileAddons:Addons }); window.pdfui = pdfuiInstanceRef.current = pdfui; return pdfui; }); return <div className = "foxit-PDF" ref = { viewerContainerRef } />; } export default forwardRef(PDFViewer);
:import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import './App.css'; import PDFViewer from './components/PDFViewer'; function App() { const pdfuiRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { const pdfui = pdfuiRef.current; if(!pdfui) { return; } // Here, you can do anything with the pdfui instance. function handleWindowResize() { pdfui.redraw(); } window.addEventListener('resize', handleWindowResize); return () => { // Here, you can perform any destruction actions. window.removeEventListener('resize', handleWindowResize); }; }, [pdfuiRef]); const externalViewerOptions = { // more viewer options }; return ( <div className="App"> <PDFViewer ref={pdfuiRef} viewerOptions={externalViewerOptions}></PDFViewer> </div> ); } export default App;
Update App.css
#root,.App,.foxit-PDF{ height: 100%; }
Install dependencies and run:
cd app yarn add @foxitsoftware/foxit-pdf-sdk-for-web-library yarn add [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] -D yarn start
Now everything is set up. Open your browser, navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to launch your application.