Makes Weka algorithms available in scikit-learn.
Built on top of the python-weka-wrapper3 library, it uses the jpype library under the hood for communicating with Weka objects in the Java Virtual Machine.
The following is currently available:
- Classifiers (classification/regression)
- Clusters
- Filters
Things to be aware of:
- You need to start the JVM in your Python code before you can use Weka (and stop it again).
- Unlikely to work in multi-threaded/process environments (like flask).
- Jupyter Notebooks do not play nice with jpype, as you might have to restart the kernel in order to be able to restart the JVM (e.g., with additional packages).
- The conversion to Weka data structures involves guesswork, i.e., if targets are to be treated as nominal, you need
to convert the numeric values to strings (e.g., using
functions fromsklweka.dataset
or theMakeNominal
transformer fromsklweka.preprocessing
). - Check the list of known problems before reporting one.
The library has the following requirements:
Python 3 (does not work with Python 2)
- python_weka_wrapper3 (>=0.3.0, required)
OpenJDK 8 or later (11 is recommended)
install the python-weka-wrapper3 library in a virtual environment, see instructions here:
install the sklearn-weka-plugin library itself in the same virtual environment
latest release from PyPI
./venv/bin/pip install sklearn_weka_plugin
from local source
./venv/bin/pip install .
from Github repository
./venv/bin/pip install git+
Here is a quick example (of which you need to adjust the paths to the datasets, of course):
import sklweka.jvm as jvm
from sklweka.dataset import load_arff, to_nominal_labels
from sklweka.classifiers import WekaEstimator
from sklweka.clusters import WekaCluster
from sklweka.preprocessing import WekaTransformer
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklweka.datagenerators import DataGenerator, generate_data
# start JVM with Weka package support
# regression
X, y, meta = load_arff("/some/where/bolts.arff", class_index="last")
lr = WekaEstimator(classname="weka.classifiers.functions.LinearRegression")
scores = cross_val_score(lr, X, y, cv=10, scoring='neg_root_mean_squared_error')
print("Cross-validating LR on bolts (negRMSE)\n", scores)
# classification
X, y, meta = load_arff("/some/where/iris.arff", class_index="last")
y = to_nominal_labels(y)
j48 = WekaEstimator(classname="weka.classifiers.trees.J48", options=["-M", "3"]), y)
scores = j48.predict(X)
probas = j48.predict_proba(X)
print("\nJ48 on iris\nactual label -> predicted label, probabilities")
for i in range(len(y)):
print(y[i], "->", scores[i], probas[i])
# clustering
X, y, meta = load_arff("/some/where/iris.arff", class_index="last")
cl = WekaCluster(classname="weka.clusterers.SimpleKMeans", options=["-N", "3"])
clusters = cl.fit_predict(X)
print("\nSimpleKMeans on iris\nclass label -> cluster")
for i in range(len(y)):
print(y[i], "->", clusters[i])
# preprocessing
X, y, meta = load_arff("/some/where/bolts.arff", class_index="last")
tr = WekaTransformer(classname="weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Standardize", options=["-unset-class-temporarily"])
X_new, y_new =, y).transform(X, y)
print("\nStandardize filter")
print("\ntransformed X:\n", X_new)
print("\ntransformed y:\n", y_new)
# generate data
gen = DataGenerator(
options=["-S", "2", "-n", "10", "-C", "10"])
X, y, X_names, y_name = generate_data(gen, att_names=True)
print("X:", X_names)
print("y:", y_name)
# stop JVM
See the example repository for more examples:
Direct links:
You can find the project documentation here: