This code runs the website. This site is a very simple blog site, and used to support the creation of training videos which you can find on the Free Sauce youtube channel.
This code is licensed GPL-2.0-or-later. This code is provided for you to examine and mock (in all senses of the term).
The Free Sauce logo, brand and assets which ship in this repository are Copyright Free Sauce 2024. (Copy the theme if you want, but replace the logo and company name please!).
ddev start
ddev composer install
ddev load
When you're done.
# Tome build.
ddev tome
# Deploy to S3 (Skips repushing stockart).
aws s3 cp static-site s3://frees-au-static/ --recursive --exclude "themes/custom/fstheme/stockart/*"
# Captures the database.
ddev save
This is a very simple and somewhat unfinished Tailwind theme with no base theme dependencies. It's intended for learning and copying rather than being something we expect you to use as a base theme. Please don't ask for support if you do 😬.
Normally you'd just work out of the theme directory, but these commands will run build and watch from the root.
ddev fe-build
ddev fe-watch
Static tests run easily in the container.
ddev test-static # PHPStan and PHPCS.
ddev test-cypress # Currently hangs locally, working in Github Actions.
Note that for Cypress E2E testing, the ddev cypress
command works for us on
OSX, but note these are optimised for our local cypress experience and if we
can't predict if it will run for you on your machine. Read the code here
You can work on contrib modules in this repo. For example if you check out a contrib module repo, you could run tests on the module.
ddev composer run-script phpcs -- ./web/modules/contrib/foo_module
ddev composer run-script phpcbf -- ./web/modules/contrib/foo_module
ddev composer run-script phpstan -- ./web/modules/contrib/foo_module
# phpunit tba