v2.0.0 main release
v2.0.0 - 24.06.2024
assets/config/convertToStdVCF.json and bin/convertToStdVCF.py
- Option to output VCF files (all) in standard format (4.2) is added. Also, TSV formatted confidence annotated/filtrated files are being converted into standard VCF.
tag is added to the INFO column to mark the common/recurrent artefacts. -
Minor changes:
- output names of the VCF files.
- sorted output for nonstandard raw vcf files.
Contig processing is only available for hg38 reference. ALT and/or HLA contigs can be given external in a file.
- Automatic generation of HLA/ALT contigs is now possible through tumor BAM instead of fasta.
Conda links in nf-core modules are fixed.
- NOTE: Conda environments are not available for the pipeline. Holding conda environment.yml links the same in default creates an error even when enable_conda is false.
- Flag parsing is generic now.
Better dealing with ALT and HLA contigs.
- modules/local/get_contigs.nf fixed.
- ALT and HLA contig extraction is fixed
- Turn off error when there is no alignment to contigs.
- sorted results
- sorted results
- FREQ-based filtering is removed from bin/confidenceAnnotation_SNVs.py.
- bcftools1.9 biocontainers docker changed with kubran/bcftools:v1.9
What's Changed
- 20 output proper vcf by @kubranarci in #33
- re-arrange resources for dkfz cluster by @kubranarci in #34
- 35 raw vcf is not sorted by @kubranarci in #36
Full Changelog: v1.0...v2.0.0