Out-of-the-box creepMiner github build running in Ubuntu 16.04.4
NVIDA sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev
Start your image binding the external ports 8124 and 9001 to all interfaces to your container:
docker create \
--name=creepMiner \
-e TZ=<timezone> \
-p 8124:8124 \
-p 9001:9001 \
-p 9002:9002 \
-v </path/to/local/config/dir>:/config
-v </path/to/plot_dir_01>:/plot/01 \
-v </path/to/plot_dir_02>:/plot/02 \
By default the miner uses a default config /usr/local/sbin/mining.conf
Please use your own mining.conf
Place your mining.conf
in </path/to/config>
Go to and setup your miner. The default username and password is:
creep / M1n3r
Please see the creepMiner wiki for futher information on setting up your miner.
Interface | URL and Port |
creepMiner | http://docker_ip:8124 |
supervisord / webproc | http://docker_ip:9001 |
frontail | http://docker_ip:9002 |
To enable or disable creepMiner from auto starting use the AUTO_START environment variable to TRUE/FALSE
If you wish to enable ssh for the container set ENABLE_SSH to TRUE
dependent on your needs TBD SUPERVISOR environment variable to TRUE/FALSE WEBPROC
Description | URL |
creepMiner github | https://github.com/Creepsky/creepMiner |
creepMiner pool | https://pool.creepminer.net |
creepMiner wallet | https://wallet.creepminer.net |
demo miner | https://demo.creepminer.net |
Please see docker's Use volumes for more details.
For a list of supported timezones - see List of TimeZones