Kotlinify is a suite of extension and classes for easier daily android development in kotlin. I've created it after my own needs and i decided i should publish it and save time for others.
The library contanis 4 modules:
- Core extensions.
- Reactive extensions.
- Jackson extensions.
- Custom edition of JakeWharton/timber
In your app's build.gradle add the following.
repositories {
maven {url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
You can add each module seperatly
//All of the modules
implementation 'com.github.GilGoldzweig:kotlinify:latestVersion'
// Core module
implementation 'com.github.GilGoldzweig.kotlinify:core:latestVersion'
// Reactive module
implementation 'com.github.GilGoldzweig.kotlinify:reactive:latestVersion'
// Jackson module
implementation 'com.github.GilGoldzweig.kotlinify:jackson:latestVersion'
// Timber module
implementation 'com.github.GilGoldzweig.kotlinify:timber:latestVersion'
Let's you create bundles in a simple way and with operators.
val bundle = bundle {
//put key(String), value(Any)
put("key", "value")
put("key", 1)
put("key", 1L)
put("key", 1.5131F)
put("key", Parcelable) //Some parcelable object
//parcelable array
put("key", Array<Parcelable>()) //Some parcelable Array
//parcelable arrayList
put("key", ArrayList<Parcelable>())//Some parcelable ArrayList
"key" += 5
this += "keyPair" to 6L
this - ""
"key" in bundle
GlobalSharedPrefrences a SharedPreferences object that let you use it anywhere without the direct access to context. The class also contains an easy usage
First initialize it in your application class
//You don't have to provide a name if nothing is placed it will use the default value
GlobalSharedPreferences.initialize(application, "sharedPreferencesName")
pref {
//put key(String), value(Any)
put("key", "value")
put("key", 1)
put("key", 1L)
put("key", 1.5131F)
"key" += 5
this += "keyPair" to 6L
this - ""
} //not need to apply inside pref
"key" in GlobalSharedPreferences // return's Boolean
(GlobalSharedPreferences += "keyPair" to 6L).apply()
(GlobalSharedPreferences - "key").apply()
An easier way to create a fragment using a dsl extension of fragment
fragment(layoutRes = R.layout.fragment_test) {
//every field in fragment is accessable from here
arguments = bundle // we use the bundle from before to insert the arguments (optinal, you can use a normal Bundle)
var name: TextView // declaring your views
onViewCreated { view, context, savedInstanceState ->
name = view.findViewById(R.id.text) //accessing the views
} //return's a ready to use fragment
//You can use but it did not get tested so i'm not writing description //will be added soon
An abstract extension of RecyclerView.Adapter that reduces the creating time of a RecyclerView. In additon you receive a lot of extension function to make the adapter work simieler to List so by extending the class you receive a lot of bounses
The adapter
class CustomRecyclerAdapter(context: Context, // Require context to make it easily accessible
listOfObjects: ArrayList<String> = ArrayList() //Put your list of objects
//the list of objects could by empty and it will use the default value
, R.layout.item_recycler_test // the item's layout currently one one view type supported
) {
override fun View.onBind(currentElementPosition: Int,
currentElement: String, // the current element with the type provided above in this example a String
holder: GenericViewHolder) {
//because of the extension of View i can just call
// findViewById and that's it you don't need to call holder.view.findViewById
extension given
val customRecyclerAdapter = CustomRecyclerAdapter(this, ArrayList())
customRecyclerAdapter - "" //removing item and notifying the adapter if you are on uiThread
customRecyclerAdapter - 2 //removing item and notifying the adapter if you are on uiThread
customRecyclerAdapter + "" //adding item and notifying the adapter if you are on uiThread
customRecyclerAdapter[""] //getItem by object
customRecyclerAdapter[12] //getItem by position
customRecyclerAdapter - (1..4) //removing position range and notifying the adapter if you are on uiThread
customRecyclerAdapter - (listOf("", "")) //removing list of objects and notifying the adapter if you are on uiThread
customRecyclerAdapter.setItem(5, "gg")
customRecyclerAdapter.setItems(listOf("", "", "", "", "")) //replace the current list and notifying the adapter if you are on uiThread
//single function to run in background
runInBackground {
//multiple functions to run in background
runInBackground({}, {}, {})
//function to run on ui thread
runOnUI {
//run's a task after 2 secounds on UI thread
runAfter(millis = 2000, thread = RunnableThread.UI) {
//run's a task after 2 secounds in background
runAfter(millis = 2000, thread = RunnableThread.BACKGROUND) {
//run's a task after 2 secounds on the current thread
runAfter(millis = 2000, thread = RunnableThread.CURRENT) {
//run's a task after 2 secounds
runAfter(millis = 2000) {
isUiThread() //Boolean is the current thread is UI
val group = LinearLayout(this)//LinearLayout as example can be any ViewGroup
group += TextView(this)
group += TextView(this)
group += TextView(this)
group += TextView(this)
"in" in TextView(this)
group -= TextView(this)
for (view in group.iterator()) {
group.forEach { }
group.forEachIndexed { i, view -> }
group.forEachRevered { }
group.forEachReveredIndexed { i, view -> }
this.inflate(R.layout.some_layout, false, group) //this = context
View(this).onClick {
View(this).onLongClick {
val testMap = mapOf(0 to 9, 0 to 9, 0 to 9, 0 to 9, 0 to 9)
val testSet = setOf(0 to 9, 0 to 9, 0 to 9, 0 to 9, 0 to 9)
val testList = listOf(0 to 9, 0 to 9, 0 to 9, 0 to 9, 0 to 9)
val testArrayList = ArrayList<Int>()
testArrayList addIfNotExist 5
testArrayList removeIfExist 5
testList / 3 //returns a map of page number and the amount of items given in this case 3
testList.random() //returns a random element from the list
Provides two extensions
15.toDp() //return's the number as a convertion from px to dp
15.toPx()//return's the number as a convertion from dp to px
Provides few functions
isVersionAbove(26) // boolean
isVersionAbove(14) // boolean same as above but with diffrent version
isMarshmallowOrAbove() //boolean is current version is at least Marshmallow(23)
isLollipopOrAbove() //boolean is current version is at least Lollipop(21)
Context.isGranted("StringPermission") // boolean checks if the permission is granted or not
A class with 2 lists of colors one normal colors and one material design colors the class let's you get all the colors or a random color
Provides two extension functions to most if not all reactive types
* observe on main thread
* subscribe on new thread
* unsubsidised on error and on complete and removes the need to handle it afterwards
* @usage
* someObservable //or any other reactive type
* .runSafeOnMain()
* .subscribe({}, {])
fun <T> Observable<T>.runSafeOnMain(): Observable<T> =
.doOnError({ unsubscribeOn(newThread) })
.doOnComplete { unsubscribeOn(newThread) }
* observe on io thread
* subscribe on new thread
* unsubsidised on error and on complete and removes the need to handle it afterwards
* @usage
* someObservable //or any other reactive type
* .runSafeOnIO()
* .subscribe({}, {])
fun <T> Observable<T>.runSafeOnIO(): Observable<T> =
.doOnError({ unsubscribeOn(newThread) })
.doOnComplete { unsubscribeOn(newThread) }
val locationObject = LocationObject("Tel-Aviv", arrayOf(5.152155, 1512.5120))
val jsonString = "{\"locationText\":\"Tel-Aviv\",\"locationCoordinates\":[5.152155,1512.512]}"
locationObject.toJson() //{"locationText":"Tel-Aviv","locationCoordinates":[5.152155,1512.512]}
locationObject.toPrettyJson() /** {
"locationText": "Tel-Aviv",
"locationCoordinates": [
jsonString.fromJson<LocationObject>() // A new LocationObject
@JsonIgnoreUnknown //A new annotation to make it easier to use jackson instad of @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
data class LocationObject(val locationText: String, val locationCoordinates: Array<Double>)
Adds a possibilty to print any object using timber a very small change but saves a lot of annying toString()
You can use it like so or just put the object
//you can just do like so
someObject.d()// no need to call Timber
someOtherObject.e()// no need to call Timber
someOtherObject.i()// no need to call Timber
someOtherObject.wtf()// no need to call Timber
someOtherObject.w()// no need to call Timber
Free Software, Hell Yeah!