[HWMCC'24] rIC3 won 1st place in the bit-level track and the word-level without array track at the Hardware Model Checking Competition (HWMCC) 2024
To view the submission for HWMCC'24, please checkout the HWMCC24
branch or download the binary release at https://github.com/gipsyh/rIC3-HWMCC24.
cargo install rIC3
rIC3 <aig model>
Currently, some dependency libraries are linked through pre-compiled static files in the repository, and they have a dependency on the glibc version. Ubuntu 20.04 or later works fine.
- Install the Rust compiler https://www.rust-lang.org/
- Switch to nightly
rustup default nightly
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/gipsyh/rIC3
cd rIC3
- Build and Run
cargo r --release -- <aig model>
- Install
cargo install --path .
Copyright (C) 2023 - Present, Yuheng Su ([email protected]). All rights reserved.
Without obtaining authorization, rIC3 is not allowed to be used for any commercial purposes.