A dictionary of common English and Japanese tech-related vocabulary. These words were encountered while reading technical journals, books, and magazines.
Words are categorized by field/specialization so if you are looking for a particular word, please use CTRL + F to search.
Please feel free to contribute but it would be much appreciated if you follow the existing formatting conventions.
- アップ upload (a file, a photo, etc.)
- 必須(ひっす)required
- 開設(かいせつ)establishment, opening
- 記述(きじゅつ)description
- 入力(にゅうりょく)input field, input
- 生成(せいせい)creation
- 照会(しょうかい)inquiry, query
- e.g. 残高照会 = inquiry of bank account balance
- 登録(とうろく)registration
- 新規(しんき)new, fresh
- e.g. 新規登録 = new registration
- 残高(ざんだか)balance (of a bank account)
- 伝授(でんじゅ)initiation, instruction
- 外部(がいぶ)external, third-party
- 発足(はっそく)starting, launch, founding
- 実装(じっそう)implementation
- 簡素化(かんそか)simplication
- 機能(きのう)function, feature
- 工数(こうすう)production costs
- 命名規則(めいめいきそく)naming convention
- ベンダー vendor
- 要求(ようきゅう)demand, request, requirement
- 複数(ふくすう)several, multiple
- 分離(ぶんり)separation, partition, segregation
- 復元(ふくげん)restoration
- 併用(へいよう)use together at the same time
- 保管(ほかん)storage, custody
- 送信(そうしん)data transmission, sending data
- 冗長性(じょうちょうせい)redundancy
- 処理(しょり)processing, treatment, disposal
- 保つ(たもつ)to store, to save
- 不正(ふせい)fraudulent, illegal
- 合致(がっち)matching
- 秘密鍵(ひみつかぎ)private key, secret key
- 一意(いちい)unique
- 委任(いにん)leave in charge, entrust to
- 回避(かいひ)evasion, avoidance
- 権限委譲(けんげんいじょう)delegration of authority
- 検証(けんしょう)inspection, verification
- 公開鍵暗号方式(こうかいかぎあんごうほうしき)public key crytography
- 攻撃(こうげき)attack
- 実証(じっしょう)actual proof
- 成り済ます(なりすます)to impersonate, to pose as
- 二段階認証(にんだんかいにんしょう)two-factor authentication
- Also: 多段階認証(ただんかいにんしょう)multi-factor authentication
- 乗っ取る(のっとる)highjack (an account, a plane, etc.)
- 流出(りゅうしゅつ)leak
- 窃取(せっしゅ)theft, stealing
- 正当性(せいとうせい)legal, proper
- 照合(しょうごう)comparison
- 真正(しんせい)authentic, true
- 識別(しきべつ)discriminate, discern
- 識別子(しきべつし)identifier
- 署名(しょめい)signature
- 盗聴(とうちょう)intercept, wiretap
- 属性(ぞくせい)attribute
- 割り当てる(わりあてる)to assign, to allocate
- 別途(べっと)special, separate
- 断念(だんねん)abandoning, giving up
- 概念(がいねん)general idea or concept
- 源泉(げんせん)source
- 発行(はっこう)issue, publish
- 判定(はんてい)judgement
- 煩雑(はんざつ)complex, intricate
- 引換券(ひきかえけん)exchange ticket
- 本末転倒(ほんまつてんとう)getting one's priorities backwards
- 一貫(いっかん)consistency, coherence
- 基盤(きばん)foundation, base
- 試みる(こころみる)to try, to test
- 根幹(こんかん)basis, root
- 混同(こんどう)confusion, mixing
- 後述(こうじゅつ)later mention
- 見做される(みなされる)to consider as, to regard
- 見受ける(みうける)to see, to suppose
- 内蔵型(ないぞうがた)internal, built-in
- おさらい rehearsal, review
- 略語(りゃくご)abbreviation, acronym
- 主流(しゅりゅう)mainstream
- 取得(しゅとく)acquire
- 外付け(そとづけ)attached outside, external
- 台頭(たいとう)coming to power, becoming famous, rising
- 提出(ていしゅつ)submit
- 受け渡す(うけわたす)deliver, hand over, transfer
- 前述(ぜんじゅつ)forementioned, mentioned previously
- 全盛(ぜんせい)height of prosperity