See NEWS file for list of changes.
Octave users can usually install with pkg install -forge symbolic
(from within Octave, no need to download anything from this page). You will need Python and SymPy installed: Windows users may want to try the "bundle" package which includes these dependencies.
Standard Octave packages
2400462b339c367f1fa004bcc0b0796e symbolic-2.5.0.tar.gz
1aa0dfd8e18437998a5f80c04930faae symbolic-2.5.0.zip
Octave Windows bundle (with included Python dependencies) package
0b00f4b0ac3524f512e5ef02e3bcdba6 symbolic-win-py-bundle-2.5.0.zip
Matlab packages
4d995d8ddd27ae106055ace8f7828ac6 octsympy-matlab-2.5.0.zip