This is a base image intended for use in CI processes.
It is based on the PHP (Drupal) image, with the addition of some extra tooling.
To build the CI image locally for a single platform, run the following:
IMAGE_TAG={your-desired-tag} docker buildx bake --progress=plain --pull --set ci.platform=linux/{arm64/amd64} -f bake.hcl ci --print
IMAGE_TAG={your-desired-tag} docker buildx bake --progress=plain --pull --set ci.platform=linux/{arm64/amd64} -f bake.hcl ci
To build the CI on multi-arch, you first need to create a buildx builder instance.
docker buildx create --name multiarch-amd-arm --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --use
IMAGE_TAG={your-desired-tag} docker buildx bake --progress=plain --pull -f bake.hcl ci --print
IMAGE_TAG={your-desired-tag} docker buildx bake --progress=plain --pull -f bake.hcl ci
IMAGE_TAG={your-desired-tag} docker buildx bake --progress=plain --pull -f bake.hcl ci --push
Ansible creator contains the tools required for linting and testing Ansible playbooks.
The image pull is failing for some reason on Gitlab, so it has to be built locally.
git clone -b ${CREATOR_EE_VERSION}
cd creator-ee
docker build -t${CREATOR_EE_VERSION} .
docker push${CREATOR_EE_VERSION}