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GRAILS-9333 - ensures that files excluded in the pluginExcludes do no…
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rvowles authored and graemerocher committed Sep 11, 2012
1 parent eea8d3a commit 58351ac
Showing 1 changed file with 80 additions and 10 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.GrailsPluginInfo
import grails.util.BuildSettings
import org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher

* Packages a plugin in source or binary form.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ class PluginPackager {
private AntBuilder ant
private File resourcesDir
private BuildSettings buildSettings
private AntPathMatcher antPathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher()

List<File> jarFiles = []
boolean hasApplicationDependencies
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,6 +182,59 @@ class PluginPackager {
return pluginZip

private boolean matchesExcludes(excludes, path) {
for(String exclude : excludes) {
if (antPathMatcher.match(exclude, path)) {
return true

return false

private void extraExcludesProcessDirectory(File dir, int stripLength, int fullStripLength, excludes, List<String> ejectedFiles) {
dir.listFiles().each { File f ->
if (f.isFile()) {
if (matchesExcludes(excludes, f.absolutePath.substring(stripLength+1))) {
ejectedFiles << f.absolutePath.substring(fullStripLength+1)
} else if (f.isDirectory() && !".")) {
extraExcludesProcessDirectory(f, stripLength, fullStripLength, excludes, ejectedFiles)

* We have to go through and build up a list of exclusions because the plugin excludes are based from to "basedir" and all of the excludes
* when copying are based from the directory we are copying from (e.g. APP/web-app will not match web-app/** because the exclude doesn't include
* web-app when determining that pattern). This makes all plugin excludes worthless when copy files unless we go through and manually match them
* ourselves and return a list of specifically excluded files.
* @param basedir - the Grails Applications base directory
* @param subdir - the sub directory we are copying from so we can prefix this for our pattern matching
* @param excludes - the excludes from pluginExcludes
* @param base - the ones that the Ant copy wants to include no matter what (originally included as specific exclude: lines)
* @return returns a list of files to exclude relative to basedir/subdir
private List<String> extraExcludes(File basedir, String subdir, excludes, List<String> base = []) {
if (!excludes) return base

List<String> ejectedFiles = []

File dir = new File(basedir, subdir)

if (dir.exists()) {
int stripLength = basedir.absolutePath.size() // e.g. [/blah/blah/]web-dir/ - preserve web-dir so we can match it
int fullStripLength = stripLength + 1 + subdir.size() // e.g. /blah/blah/[web-dir/]

extraExcludesProcessDirectory(dir, stripLength, fullStripLength, excludes, ejectedFiles)


return ejectedFiles

String packageBinary(String pluginName, File classesDir, File targetDir) {
def pluginProps = pluginInfo
ant.taskdef (name: 'gspc', classname : 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages.GroovyPageCompilerTask')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,30 +274,45 @@ class PluginPackager {
if (new File("${resourcesDir}/grails-app/i18n").exists()) {
copy(todir:"${metaInf}/grails-app/i18n", includeEmptyDirs:false,failonerror:false) {
fileset(dir:"${resourcesDir}/grails-app/i18n") {
extraExcludes(basedir, "grails-app/i18n", pluginProps?.pluginExcludes).each {
exclude name: it

// the excludes get more difficult now, as they are from the root of the project and these
// excludes would be from the fileset's dir

copy(todir:"${metaInf}/static", includeEmptyDirs:false, failonerror:false) {
fileset(dir:"${basedir}/web-app") {
exclude name:"plugins/**"
exclude name:"**/WEB-INF/**"
exclude name:"**/META-INF/**"
exclude name:"**/*.gsp"
exclude name:"**/*.jsp"
extraExcludes(basedir, "web-app",
pluginProps?.pluginExcludes, ["plugins/**", "**/WEB-INF/**", "**/META-INF/**",
"**/*.gsp", "**/*.jsp"]).each {
exclude name: it

copy(todir:"${metaInf}/scripts") {
fileset(dir:"${basedir}/scripts") {
extraExcludes(basedir, "scripts", pluginProps?.pluginExcludes, ["_Install.groovy","_Uninstall.groovy","_Upgrade.groovy"]).each {
exclude name: it
copy(todir:"${classesDir}/src") {
fileset(dir:"${basedir}/src", excludes:"groovy/**,java/**")
fileset(dir:"${basedir}/src") {
extraExcludes(basedir, "src", pluginProps?.pluginExcludes, ["groovy/**","java/**"]).each {
exclude name: it

jar(destfile:destinationFile) {
fileset(dir:classesDir, excludes:excludeList.join(','))
manifest {
Expand Down

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