This is framework built in Java to build GraphQLCRUD based API to a provided database. You simply bring existing your database and its data, and use the framework to build simple application using the given template or embed into your Java application to expose the GraphQL API over your relational database.
The GraphQLCrud specification is defined at specification.
To build the application using maven run
mvn clean package
The default application requires a Postgresql database. If you do not have one, you start a docker container for same by executing
docker run -p 5432:5432 --name sampledb -e POSTGRES_DB=sampledb \
-d postgres -c log_statement=all
You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding, switch into the app
directory and run
../mvnw quarkus:dev
** NOTE: ** The sample application is designed to load a sample schema to work with, if you bring your own database make sure to disable update of the schema
once the application starts, using the browser goto URL http://localhost:8080
to run in non development mode:
The application is now runnable using java -jar app/target/app-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar