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Parse node

Guidone edited this page Aug 1, 2017 · 1 revision

Parse the inbound chat message and extract a specific type (string, number, email, location, etc) then store the value in the context flow and pass through the output pin (in msg.payload)

Available parse type are:

  • string: any payload of type string will be accepted
  • boolean: returns true for any words like yes, true, ok, etc
  • email: extract a valid email in the incoming message
  • date: extract a valid date from the incoming message
  • integer-number: extract a integer number (written in numbers or plain english)
  • location: extract the location from a location chat message (the one sent by the chat client when the user shares the position). The value extracted will be something like {latitude: 45.001, longitude: 21.001}
  • contact: extract the phone number from a contact type message (a user that shares a contact)
  • photo: extract the image from a chat message containing a picture, the resulting payload is suitable to be sent to file node (a NodeJS Buffer)
  • audio: extract the audio payload from an audio chat message, the resulting payload is suitable to be sent to file node. Audio format depends on platform (for example Telegram: Ogg Vorbis (*.ogg)

Telegram Facebook Slack Smooch

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