Unofficial Instagram Desktop App
When closing the window, the app will continue running in the background, in the dock on macOS and the tray on Linux/Windows. Right-click the dock/tray icon and choose Quit
to completely quit the app. On macOS, click the dock icon to show the window. On Linux, right-click the tray icon and choose Toggle
to toggle the window. On Windows, click the tray icon to toggle the window.
You can toggle dark mode in the Ramme menu or with Cmd D / Ctrl D.
- Go Back: ⌫
- Refresh: Cmd R or Ctrl R
- Home: Cmd 1 or Ctrl 1
- Discover: Cmd 2 or Ctrl 2
- Notifications: Cmd 3 or Ctrl 3
- Profile: Cmd 4 or Ctrl 4
- Scroll a post up: Shift Up
- Scroll a post down: Shift Down
- Toggle Dark mode: Cmd D or Ctrl D
macOS 10.9+, Windows 7+ & Linux are supported.
$ brew update && brew tap caskroom/cask && brew cask install ramme
Download, unzip, and move
to the /Applications
Download and unzip to some location.
To add a shortcut to the app, create a file in ~/.local/share/applications
called ramme.desktop
with the following contents:
[Desktop Entry]
Download and unzip to some location.
Installer for Windows (source) - Installer for Windows download by VoOoLoX
- Ramme v3: The next version is all about developer experience and auto-update. This project needs a rewrite before adding any new features. The plan is that v3 should be a solid base for future additions and improvements.
Built with Electron.
- Init:
$ npm install
- Run:
$ npm start
- Build macOS:
$ npm run build:macos
- Build Linux:
$ npm run build:linux
- Build Windows:
$ npm run build:windows
- Build all:
$ brew install wine
and$ npm run build
(macOS only)
Inspiration from the super human Sindre Sorhus. Please check out his stuff:
Thanks to all contributors who helped make Ramme better! 🎉
MIT © Terkel Gjervig
- You will not use this repository for sending mass spam or any other malicious activity
- We / You will not support anyone who is violating this EULA conditions
- Repository is just for learning / personal purposes thus should not be part of any service available on the Internet that is trying to do any malicious activity (mass bulk request, spam etc.)
This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Instagram or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial. Use at your own risk.