Autocomplete nvim recent files in command line
Install the python package
pip install nfasd
Add the following line in your ~/.bashrc
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete-menu nfasd)"
# use TAB to cycle through all possible matches
# optional but highly recommended
[[ $- = *i* ]] && bind TAB:menu-complete
Alternatively, if you use zsh, add the following to ~/.zshrc
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete-menu nfasd)"
# stop shell from beeping for every complete
# optional but highly recommended
For fish shell, you need to install
pip install argcomplete
register-python-argcomplete --shell fish > ~/.config/fish/
Add the following to ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
alias n='nfasd -e nvim'
alias ny='nfasd -e nyaovim'
Then you can press n myPro<tab>
to get n ~/myProject
-e specifies which executable to open the file
If you want to exclude certain file patterns, use the --exclude option, e.g.
alias n=`nfasd -e nvim --exclude tmp`
2.0 for nvim 0.6 new shada format
1.0 for python3
0.19 for python2
To increase the number of recent files to 1000, add the following line to your ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
set shada=!,'1000,<50,s10,h
fasd : the awesome command line tool