The Avalanche Tip bot requires:
- a telegram bot account OR a discord application
- a twitter API key
This project can be used to grant AVAX tips on:
- Telegram without Discord / Twitter
- Discord without Telegram / Twitter
- Telegram and Discord without Twitter
It can not be used only for twitter without at least Telegram or Discord.
This project requires the following infrastructure requirements
- a Nodejs service. We use pm2 to monitore the state of the nodejs service
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
nodejs -v
- a git account
sudo apt install git-all
- an Avalanche Node, either with public API opened, or running in the same instance as the Avalanche Node Check Avalanche latest instructions :
- an MongoDB database as a mongodb container in your instance
First install docker :
Then you can launch your mongodb instance with the following instructions : We highly recommand you to launch a persistant storage with login / password protected
Suggested command (change your user / password )
sudo su
docker run --name mongodb \
-v /path/to/mongodb-persistence:/bitnami/mongodb \
-e MONGODB_USERNAME=my_user -e MONGODB_PASSWORD=password123 \
-e MONGODB_DATABASE=my_database bitnami/mongodb:latest
Verify that your docker database is running
docker ps
- Clone the project
- Install all dependencies of the nodejs project with
git clone [url of the project]
npm i
Configure global configuration file
To get your Telegram Bot Id, contact and type /newbot
To get your Discord application Id, go to and create an application with
To get your Twitter credentials, go to
pm2 list : will list all your pm2 process
pm2 start index.js --name avalanchetipbot --max-memory-restart 250M
pm2 save
For example, shall be an invite link like that for discord
Define Discord roles & credentials for Embedded content