Http endpoint mocking and configuring solution, with easy and simple to use web interface, which updates immediatly on save, with no need to restart!
When you want to run integrations tests, or just want to build your app independently without any active backend, you have few options:
- Mock out the response with a JSON file
- Create a mock service yourself
- Use Mockus!
This tool was designed to help developers and qa testers quickly create endpoints for their applications. No need to create a server, just run this project localy. You can create, edit and manage routes to your API. Every change to the API will be reflected on the server and updated straight away.
$ git clone
$ cd mockus
$ cd mockus-client
$ npm i
$ npm start
$ cd mockus-server
$ npm i
$ npm run tsc
$ npm start
On your browser, access: http://localhost:3000/
Mac / Linux users
$ sh scripts/
Windows users (powrshell / git bash)
$ scripts/
And then
$ NODE_ENV=production node packages/mockus-server/lib/index.js
On your browser, access: http://localhost:4000/
- Add support for persistent DB (Mongo/Redis)
Mockus is MIT licensed.