I plan to develop a movie logger app. The app will have a search which will access 'The Open Movie Database' https://www.omdbapi.com/. Once a user has found a movie, either by searching or suggestion they can log the movie and add a comment. Suggestions will be based off of either a random selection or subselection of movies from this dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/db55ac3dfd0098a0cf96dd542807f9253a16587ff233e06baef372bccfd09942?resource=download
- Express
- Mongoose / MongoDB
- Bootstrap
- HTML + Javascript + CSS
- Morgan
- Method Override
- Axios
As a user I want to be able to...
- sign up with a username and password
- log in with the username and password
- log out
- search for a movie by title
- read a plot synopsis for a movie
- see a movie suggestion based on runtime
- see a movie suggestion based on genre
- see a movie suggestion based on release day, eg today's movie
- see a random movie suggestion
- log a movie I watched
- remove a log from a movie I watched
- add comments to a movie I watched
URL | HTTP Verb | Action |
/logs | GET | index |
/mine | GET | show |
/new | GET | new |
/new/result | POST | show |
/logs | POST | create |
/logs/:id/edit | GET | edit |
/logs/:id | PUT | update |
/logs/:id | GET | show |
/logs/:id | DELETE | destroy |
/mine | GET | show |
URL | HTTP Verb | Action |
/:logId | POST | show |
/delete/:logId /:commId | DELETE | destroy |
URL | HTTP Verb | Action |
/trailers/:logId | GET | show |
- Incorporating a more robust search, rather than just a simple exact title fetch.
- Build out a full recommendation engine
- Monday - pseudocode routes, figure out seed data / recommedation data / start recommendation logic
- Tuesday - Establish schemas, start to write routes
- Wednesday - Continue with routes, continue recommendation logic, start views
- Thursday - Continue with views, finish routes
- Friday - Finish views