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Various fixes to progress handling
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1. Server-initiated progress should wait for the client to acknowledge

This is an old bug. Per the spec, we're not allowed to send any reports
using the token if the client doesn't respond with a non-error response
to our creation of the token.

This is a bit subtle, because it means we may need to delay the sending
of the "begin" notification until we have received the token from the

2. No easy way to use client-initiated progress

This is simpler and faster than server-initiated progress since you
don't need the extra message round-trip. You just need to pull out
the progress token (if there is one) from the request and use that.

I did two things to make this better:
- The progress functions now take the client token if there is one.
  If there isn't one they still fall back to server-initiated progress.
- The server capabilities can now advertise that client-initiated
  progress is supported.
  • Loading branch information
michaelpj committed Dec 29, 2023
1 parent 618886c commit 35e1fb4
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Showing 5 changed files with 318 additions and 196 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lsp-test/func-test/FuncTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ main = hspec $ do
tid <- withRunInIO $ \runInIO ->
forkIO $
runInIO $
withProgress "Doing something" NotCancellable $ \updater ->
withProgress "Doing something" Nothing NotCancellable $ \updater -> do
-- Wait around to be killed
liftIO $ threadDelay (1 * 1000000)
liftIO $ void $ forkIO $ do
takeMVar killVar
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions lsp/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
# Revision history for lsp

## Unreleased

- Server-created progress now will not send reports until and unless the client
confirms the progress token creation.
- Progress helper functions now can take a progress token provided by the client,
so client-initiated progress can now be supported properly.
- The server options now allow the user to say whether the server should advertise
support for client-initiated progress or not.


- Fix inference of server capabilities for newer methods (except notebook methods).
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lsp/example/Reactor.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ handle logger =

logger <& ("The arguments are: " <> T.pack (show margs)) `WithSeverity` Debug
responder (Right $ LSP.InL (J.Object mempty)) -- respond to the request
void $ withProgress "Executing some long running command" Cancellable $ \update ->
void $ withProgress "Executing some long running command" (req ^. LSP.params . LSP.workDoneToken) Cancellable $ \update ->
forM [(0 :: LSP.UInt) .. 10] $ \i -> do
update (ProgressAmount (Just (i * 10)) (Just "Doing stuff"))
liftIO $ threadDelay (1 * 1000000)
Expand Down
275 changes: 185 additions & 90 deletions lsp/src/Language/LSP/Server/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import Colog.Core (
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception qualified as E
import Control.Lens (at, (^.), (^?), _Just)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types qualified as L
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Utils.Misc (prettyJSON)
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Utils.SMethodMap (SMethodMap)
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Utils.SMethodMap qualified as SMethodMap
import Language.LSP.VFS
import Language.LSP.VFS hiding (end)
import Prettyprinter
import System.Random hiding (next)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,6 +285,8 @@ data Options = Options
-- If you set `executeCommandHandler`, you **must** set this.
, optServerInfo :: Maybe (Rec ("name" .== Text .+ "version" .== Maybe Text))
-- ^ Information about the server that can be advertised to the client.
, optSupportClientInitiatedProgress :: Bool
-- ^ Whether or not to support client-initiated progress.

instance Default Options where
Expand All @@ -298,6 +301,7 @@ instance Default Options where

defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = def
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -625,97 +629,150 @@ getNewProgressId = do
in (L.ProgressToken $ L.InL cur, next)
{-# INLINE getNewProgressId #-}

withProgressBase :: MonadLsp c m => Bool -> Text -> ProgressCancellable -> ((ProgressAmount -> m ()) -> m a) -> m a
withProgressBase indefinite title cancellable f = do
progId <- getNewProgressId

let initialPercentage
| indefinite = Nothing
| otherwise = Just 0
cancellable' = case cancellable of
Cancellable -> True
NotCancellable -> False

-- Create progress token
-- FIXME : This needs to wait until the request returns before
-- continuing!!!
_ <- sendRequest
(WorkDoneProgressCreateParams progId)
$ \res -> do
case res of
-- An error occurred when the client was setting it up
-- No need to do anything then, as per the spec
Left _err -> pure ()
Right _ -> pure ()

-- Send the begin and done notifications via 'bracket_' so that they are always fired
res <- withRunInIO $ \runInBase ->
-- Send begin notification
( runInBase $
sendNotification SMethod_Progress $
ProgressParams progId $
J.toJSON $
WorkDoneProgressBegin L.AString title (Just cancellable') Nothing initialPercentage
-- Send end notification
( runInBase $
sendNotification SMethod_Progress $
ProgressParams progId $
J.toJSON $
(WorkDoneProgressEnd L.AString Nothing)
$ do
-- Run f asynchronously
aid <- async $ runInBase $ f (updater progId)
runInBase $ storeProgress progId aid
wait aid

-- Delete the progress cancellation from the map
-- If we don't do this then it's easy to leak things as the map contains any IO action.
deleteProgress progId

return res
updater progId (ProgressAmount percentage msg) = do
sendNotification SMethod_Progress $
ProgressParams progId $
J.toJSON $
WorkDoneProgressReport L.AString Nothing msg percentage

clientSupportsProgress :: L.ClientCapabilities -> Bool
clientSupportsProgress caps = fromMaybe False $ caps ^? L.window . _Just . L.workDoneProgress . _Just
{-# INLINE clientSupportsProgress #-}

{- | Wrapper for reporting progress to the client during a long running
'withProgress' @title cancellable f@ starts a new progress reporting
session, and finishes it once f is completed.
f is provided with an update function that allows it to report on
the progress during the session.
If @cancellable@ is 'Cancellable', @f@ will be thrown a
'ProgressCancelledException' if the user cancels the action in
{- | The progress states we can be in.
See Note [Progress states]
withProgress :: MonadLsp c m => Text -> ProgressCancellable -> ((ProgressAmount -> m ()) -> m a) -> m a
withProgress title cancellable f = do
clientCaps <- getClientCapabilities
if clientSupportsProgress clientCaps
then withProgressBase False title cancellable f
else f (const $ return ())

{- | Same as 'withProgress', but for processes that do not report the
precentage complete.
data ProgressState = ProgressInitial | ProgressStarted ProgressToken | ProgressEnded

withProgressBase ::
forall c m a.
MonadLsp c m =>
Bool ->
Text ->
Maybe ProgressToken ->
ProgressCancellable ->
((ProgressAmount -> m ()) -> m a) ->
m a
withProgressBase indefinite title clientToken cancellable f = do
progressState <- liftIO $ newMVar ProgressInitial

sendProgressReport :: (J.ToJSON r) => ProgressToken -> r -> m ()
sendProgressReport token report = sendNotification SMethod_Progress $ ProgressParams token $ J.toJSON report

-- See Note [Progress states]
tryStart :: ProgressToken -> m ()
tryStart t = withRunInIO $ \runInBase -> modifyMVar_ progressState $ \case
-- Can start if we are in the initial state, otherwise not
ProgressInitial -> do
initialPercentage = if indefinite then Nothing else Just 0
cancellable' = case cancellable of
Cancellable -> Just True
NotCancellable -> Just False
runInBase $ sendProgressReport t $ WorkDoneProgressBegin L.AString title cancellable' Nothing initialPercentage
pure (ProgressStarted t)
s -> pure s
-- See Note [Progress states]
tryUpdate :: ProgressAmount -> m ()
tryUpdate (ProgressAmount pct msg) = withRunInIO $ \runInBase -> withMVar progressState $ \case
-- We can only send updates in ProgressStarted
ProgressStarted t -> runInBase $ sendProgressReport t $ WorkDoneProgressReport L.AString Nothing msg pct
_ -> pure ()
-- See Note [Progress states]
tryEnd :: m ()
tryEnd = withRunInIO $ \runInBase -> modifyMVar_ progressState $ \case
-- Don't send an end message unless we successfully started
ProgressStarted t -> do
runInBase $ sendProgressReport t $ WorkDoneProgressEnd L.AString Nothing
pure ProgressEnded
-- But in all cases we still want to transition state
_ -> pure ProgressEnded

-- The progress token is also used as the cancellation ID
-- See Note [Request cancellation]
createAndStart :: m ProgressToken
createAndStart =
case clientToken of
-- See Note [Client- versus server-initiated progress]
-- Client-initiated progress
Just t -> tryStart t >> pure t
-- Try server-initiated progress
Nothing -> do
t <- getNewProgressId
clientCaps <- getClientCapabilities

-- If we don't have a progress token from the client and
-- the client doesn't support server-initiated progress then
-- there's nothing to do: we can't report progress.
-- But we still need to return our internal token to use for
-- cancellation
when (clientSupportsServerInitiatedProgress clientCaps)
$ void
-- Server-initiated progress
-- See Note [Client- versus server-initiated progress]
(WorkDoneProgressCreateParams t)
$ \case
-- Successfully registered the token, we can now use it.
-- So we go ahead and start. We do this as soon as we get the
-- token back so the client gets feedback ASAP
Right _ -> tryStart t
-- The client sent us an error, we can't use the token. So we remain
-- in ProgressInitial and don't send any progress updates ever
-- TODO: log the error
Left _err -> pure ()

pure t

end :: ProgressToken -> m ()
end cancellationId = do
-- Delete the progress cancellation from the map
-- If we don't do this then it's easy to leak things as the map contains any IO action.
deleteProgress cancellationId

-- Send the begin and done notifications via 'bracket' so that they are always fired
withRunInIO $ \runInBase ->
E.bracket (runInBase createAndStart) (runInBase . end) $ \cancellationId -> do
-- Run f asynchronously
aid <- async $ runInBase $ f tryUpdate
-- Always store the thread ID so we can cancel, see Note [Request cancellation]
runInBase $ storeProgress cancellationId aid
wait aid

clientSupportsServerInitiatedProgress :: L.ClientCapabilities -> Bool
clientSupportsServerInitiatedProgress caps = fromMaybe False $ caps ^? L.window . _Just . L.workDoneProgress . _Just
{-# INLINE clientSupportsServerInitiatedProgress #-}

{- |
Wrapper for reporting progress to the client during a long running task.
withIndefiniteProgress :: MonadLsp c m => Text -> ProgressCancellable -> m a -> m a
withIndefiniteProgress title cancellable f = do
clientCaps <- getClientCapabilities
if clientSupportsProgress clientCaps
then withProgressBase True title cancellable (const f)
else f
withProgress ::
MonadLsp c m =>
-- | The title of the progress operation
Text ->
-- | The progress token provided by the client in the method params, if any
Maybe ProgressToken ->
-- | Whether or not this operation is cancellable. If true, the user will be
-- shown a button to allow cancellation. Note that requests can still be cancelled
-- even if this is not set.
ProgressCancellable ->
-- | An update function to pass progress updates to
((ProgressAmount -> m ()) -> m a) ->
m a
withProgress title clientToken cancellable f = withProgressBase False title clientToken cancellable f

{- |
Same as 'withProgress', but for processes that do not report the precentage complete.
withIndefiniteProgress ::
MonadLsp c m =>
-- | The title of the progress operation
Text ->
-- | The progress token provided by the client in the method params, if any
Maybe ProgressToken ->
-- | Whether or not this operation is cancellable. If true, the user will be
-- shown a button to allow cancellation. Note that requests can still be cancelled
-- even if this is not set.
ProgressCancellable ->
-- | An update function to pass progress updates to
((Text -> m ()) -> m a) ->
m a
withIndefiniteProgress title clientToken cancellable f =
withProgressBase True title clientToken cancellable (\update -> f (\msg -> update (ProgressAmount Nothing (Just msg))))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -866,3 +923,41 @@ try to parse the entire config object. This hopefully lets us handle a variety
of sensible cases where the client sends us mostly our config, either wrapped
in our section or not.

{- Note [Progress states]
Creating and using progress actually requires a small state machine.
The states are:
- ProgressInitial: we haven't got a progress token
- ProgressStarted: we have got a progress token and started the progress
- ProgressEnded: we have ended the progress
1. We can't send updates except in ProgressStarted
2. We can't start the progress until we get the token back
- This means that we may have to wait to send the start report, we can't necessarily
send it immediately!
3. We can end if we haven't started (by just transitioning state), but we shouldn't
send an end report.
We can have concurrent updates to the state, since we sometimes transiton states
in response to the client. In particular, for server-initiated progress, we have
to wait for the client to confirm the token until we can enter ProgressStarted.

{- Note [Client- versus server-initiated progress]
The protocol supports both client- and server-initiated progress. Client-initiated progress
is simpler: the client gives you a progress token, and then you use that to report progress.
Server-initiated progress is more complex: you need to send a request to the client to tell
them about the token you want to use, and only after that can you send updates using it.

{- Note [Request cancellation]
Request cancellation is a bit strange.
We need to in fact assume that all requests are cancellable, see
The 'cancellable' property that we can set when making progress reports just
affects whether the client should show a 'Cancel' button to the user in the UI.
The client can still always choose to cancel for another reason.

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