This repository contains automation tests on JavaScript using Healenium.
2. Configuration RemoteWebDriver for Healenium
Go into healenium folder
cd healenium
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose-selenoid.yaml up -d
Verify the next images are Up and Running
(PostgreSQL database to store etalon selector / healing / report)hlm-proxy
(Proxy client request to Selenium server)hlm-backend
(CRUD service)selector imitator
(Convert healed locator to convenient format)selenoid
(Selenium server)
To run using Healenium create RemoteWebDriver with URL http://<remote webdriver host>:8085
driver = await new webdriver.Builder()
To temporarily disable the healing mechanism for certain sections of your code, use the following syntax:
await this.driver.executeScript("disable_healing_true");
... // Your code that does not require healing
await this.driver.executeScript("disable_healing_false");
Add Jasmine to your package.json
npm install --save-dev jasmine
Initialize Jasmine in your project
npx jasmine init
Set jasmine as your test script in your package.json
"scripts": { "test": "jasmine" }
Run your tests
npm test
You can monitor tests running if you using Healenium with Selenoid plus Selenoid Ui, go to :