Spark-FIM is a library of scalable frequent itemset mining algorithms based on Spark. It includes:
- PHybridFIN - A parallel frequent itemset mining algorithm based on a novel data structure named HybridNodeset to represent itemsets. It achieves a significantly better performance on different datasets when the minimum support decreases comparing to the FP-Growth algorithm which is implemented in Spark MLlib.
val minSupport = 0.85
val numPartitions = 4
val spark = SparkSession
val schema = new StructType(Array(
StructField("features", StringType)))
val transactions ="data/chess.csv").cache()
val numTransactions = transactions.count()
val startTime = currentTime
val freqItemsets = new PHybridFIN()
.setDelimiter(" ")
val numFreqItemsets = freqItemsets.count()
val endTime = currentTime
val totalTime: Double = endTime - startTime
println(s"====================== PHybridFIN - STATS ===========================")
println(s" minSupport = " + minSupport + s" numPartition = " + numPartitions)
println(s" Number of transactions: " + numTransactions)
println(s" Number of frequent itemsets: " + numFreqItemsets)
println(s" Total time = " + totalTime/1000 + "s")
Spark-FIM is built against Spark 2.1.1.
sbt package
Spark-FIM is available under Apache Licenses 2.0.
If you encounter bugs, feel free to submit an issue or pull request. Also you can mail to:
- hibayesian ([email protected]).