A curated list of early-career data science student paper awards and travel grants.
- IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award [Link]. Eligibility: Degree candidate during the award year. Application deadline: February 1.
- ICSA Student Paper Award [Link]. Eligibility: Degree candidate during the award year. Application deadline: February 15.
- Harshbarger Travel Award [Link]. Eligibility: Degree candidate during the award year. Application deadline: varies each year, typically April or May.
- IMS Lawrence D. Brown Ph.D. Student Award [Link]. Eligibility: Degree candidate during the award year. Application deadline: May 1.
- WNAR Student Paper Award [Link]. Eligibility: Degree candidate during the award year. Application deadline: varies each year, typically May.
- IISA Student Paper Award [Link]. Eligibility: Degree candidate during the award year. Application deadline: varies each year, typically May.
- ENAR Student Paper Award [Link]. Eligibility: Degree candidate during the award year. Application deadline: October 1.
- IMS Lawrence D. Brown Ph.D. Student Award [Link]. Eligibility: Degree candidate during the award year. Application deadline: May 1.
- ASA Student Paper Competitions [Link]. Eligibility: Degree candidate during the award year. Application deadline: December 1-15 (see Notes).
- IMS New Researcher Travel Award [Link]. Eligibility: Within five years of completion of PhD. Application deadline: February 1.
- AMS-Simons Travel Grant [Link]. Eligibility: Within four years of completion of PhD. Application deadline: March 31.
- IMS New Researcher Conference Travel Award [Link]. Eligibility: Within five years of completion of PhD. Application deadline: varies each year, typically March or April.
- David P. Byar Young Investigator Award [Link]. Eligibility: Within three years of completion of PhD. Application deadline: December 1.
- Peter Gavin Hall IMS Early Career Prize [Link]. Eligibility: Within eight years of completion of PhD. Application deadline: December 1.
- Tweedie New Researcher Award [Link]. Eligibility: Within five years of completion of PhD. Application deadline: December 1.
- SIE Young Investigator Award [Link]. Eligibility: Within two years of completion of PhD. Application deadline: December 15.
- ISCB Travel Award [Link]. Eligibility: Graduate student or postdoc. Application deadline: varies each year, per conference.
- More specific eligibility criteria such as geographical location or membership requirement can be found on the respective links.
- Submission deadlines for ASA Student Paper Competitions vary by sections and typically they are between December 1 and December 15 or early January. Winners are announced in January, and awards are presented at the annual Joint Statistical Meetings.
- Other non-JSM travel awards will be added on an as-needed basis.
- Please feel free to create a pull request if you want to add new content.
- Check out the related blog post that summarizes the motivation behind this repository and share with your early-career data science colleagues.