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1010 lines (788 loc) · 20.3 KB

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1010 lines (788 loc) · 20.3 KB

Volunteering Details ⇄ List


The details of a volunteering offer (donate time).

For clients: This resource is not available at the moment.

URL Parameters

Parameter Example Required Description
id 77814 yes

Volunteering-id as an integer number ≥ 1.

Response Attributes

Root Attributes

Attribute Types Example Description
id number 1

An integer number ≥ 1

created_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone)

updated_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone)

latitude number 52.499007

Decimal degrees based on user input

longitude number 13.44947

Decimal degrees based on user input

street null | string "Schlesische Straße 26"

Street address

zip null | string "10997"

ZIP code

city null | string "Berlin"

Name of the city

country null | string "Deutschland"

Name of the country

content_updated_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone)

title string TODO

Max 100 character

description string

A description of the offer. This may contain any of the following HTML tags: a, b, br, div, em, i, iframe, img, li, ol, p, strong, ul.

↓carrier object TODO

The organisation that carrier this volunteering

vacancies number 1

The number of volunteers that are needed, provided by the manager

↓image null | object TODO

Each volunteering has one optional image / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015

↓contact object TODO

Contact person, contact data and contact address

location_fixed boolean true

Specifies whether the volunteering offer is limited to a certain location or if it may be executed remotely.

working_time_selection string regular commitment

Working time selection, specifies if this is a one-time event or if this volunteering can takes place regulary.

working_time_weekends array ["in the mornings"]

Up to three working time preferences. They specify when this volunteering should take place on weekends.

working_time_weekdays array ["in the mornings"]

Up to three working time preferences. They specify when this volunteering should take place on weekdays.

begins_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone)

ends_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone)

topics array ["Development cooperation", "Children & youth"]

Up to 4 categories that describe, what for which causes you need volunteers. Results are translated to the requested language. Possible results: "Animal & environment protection", "Culture & sports", "Children & youth", "Development cooperation ", "DisabledEducation", "Elderly people", "Human rights", "Refugees & immigrants", "Invalid", "Local help", "Socially deprived"

activities array | null ["consulting/coaching", "office work"]

Up to 4 categories that describe, what for which causes you need volunteers. Results are translated to the requested language. Possible results: "consulting/coaching", "crafting/gardening", "doing sports", "doing the chores", "group care", "nursing/parenting", "office work", "organising/managing", "painting/designing", "tutoring/reading", "visiting/accompanying", "writing/translating"

imported_from null | string somewhere

Where Betterplace imports volunteering from.

import_information TODO

Meta data concerning the import of this volunteering offer, if it was indeed imported.

↓profile_picture null | object


Attribute Types Example Description
carrier.latitude number 52.499007

Decimal degrees based on user input

carrier.longitude number 13.44947

Decimal degrees based on user input string "Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V."

An organisation name, Users will be added later

carrier.street string "Rosenstr. 3"

Contact data for the organisation string "Berlin"

Contact data for the organisation string "10123"

Contact data for the organisation string "Germany"

Contact data for the organisation

↓carrier.picture null | object


Attribute Types Example Description
carrier.picture.fallback boolean true

Specifies whether a fallback image is given or not

Attribute Types Example Description
image.description string

Image description

Attribute Types Example Description string Till Behnke

Fullname of the contact person. string 030 - 7676 4488 44

Phone number for direct contact. No validations on input apply. string [email protected]

Plain text email-address for direct contact

↓contact.picture object…

User profile picture or a fallback image

Attribute Types Example Description
contact.picture.fallback boolean true

Specifies whether a fallback image is given or not

Attribute Types Example Description
profile_picture.fallback boolean true

Specifies whether a fallback image is given or not

Response Links

Linkname Description


Link to this resource itself (volunteering details)


Permalink to


The URL to which inquiries about this offer can be POSTed (inquiry details). Templated, needs insertion of the client_id.


Link to this resource itself (organisation details)


100×100 Pixel


200×200 Pixel


400×400 Pixel


Maximum sized image. This is the original image with default-cropping or user-cropping applied.


618×322 Pixel / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015


270×141 Pixel / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015


Original size / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015


Thumbnail size / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015


Medium size / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015


Regular size / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015


100×100 Pixel


Maximum sized image. This is the original image with default-cropping or user-cropping applied.


950×500 Pixel


730×380 Pixel


618×322 Pixel / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015


410×214 Pixel


270×141 Pixel / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015


Maximum sized image. This is the original image with default-cropping or user-cropping applied.

Response Example

  "id": 77814,
  "created_at": "2019-12-16T17:23:36+01:00",
  "updated_at": "2019-12-16T17:43:37+01:00",
  "latitude": 0.0,
  "longitude": 0.0,
  "street": null,
  "zip": null,
  "city": null,
  "country": null,
  "content_updated_at": "2019-12-16T17:43:37+01:00",
  "title": "Als Ackerhelfer*in mit Kindern Gemüse anbauen I Region Mecklenburg-Vorpommern",
  "description": "Du wünschst dir eine <b> sinnstiftende Tätigkeit </b> und Abwechslung für deinen Alltag? <br><br>Du findest es wichtig, dass <b>Kinder mehr über Gemüseanbau lernen</b>?<br><br>Du hast selbst <b>Lust, mehr über den Anbau von Gemüse zu erfahren</b>? <br><br>Dann bist du bei bei der <b>GemüseAckerdemie</b> genau richtig! Unterstütze uns bei unseren Pflanzungen an <b>Mecklenburger Schulen und Kitas</b> und trage dazu bei, dass Pflanzen und Kinder einen guten Start in ihre AckerSaison erhalten.<br><br>Weitere Informationen und die Möglichkeit, dich zu bewerben findest du hier:<br><br><a href=\"\"></a><br><br><br><p><br></p><p></p>",
  "carrier": null,
  "vacancies": 10,
  "image": {
    "description": "(c) Anna Meyer-Kahlen",
    "links": [
        "rel": "fill_618x322",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "fill_270x141",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "original",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "thumb",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "medium",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "regular",
        "href": ""
  "contact": {
    "name": "Shirin Seidel",
    "phone": "",
    "email": "",
    "picture": {
      "links": [
          "rel": "fill_100x100",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "original",
          "href": ""
    "links": [

  "location_fixed": false,
  "working_time_selection": "egal wann / nach Vereinbarung",
  "working_time_weekends": [

  "working_time_weekdays": [

  "begins_at": null,
  "ends_at": null,
  "topics": [
    "Kinder & Jugendliche",
    "Tierschutz & Umwelt"
  "activities": [
  "imported_from": null,
  "import_information": null,
  "profile_picture": {
    "links": [
        "rel": "fill_960x500",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "fill_730x380",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "fill_618x322",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "fill_410x214",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "fill_270x141",
        "href": ""
        "rel": "original",
        "href": ""
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "platform",
      "href": ""
      "rel": "inquiries",
      "href": "",
      "templated": true