Volunteering Details ⇄ List
GET https://api.betterplace.org/de/api_v4/volunteering/77814.json
The details of a betterplace.org volunteering offer (donate time).
For betterplace.org clients: This resource is not available at the moment.
Parameter | Example | Required | Description |
id | 77814 |
yes |
Volunteering-id as an integer number ≥ 1. |
Attribute | Types | Example | Description |
id | number |
1 |
An integer number ≥ 1 |
created_at | string |
"1994-11-05T13:15:30Z" |
DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone) |
updated_at | string |
"1994-11-05T13:15:30Z" |
DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone) |
latitude | number |
52.499007 |
Decimal degrees based on user input |
longitude | number |
13.44947 |
Decimal degrees based on user input |
street | null | string |
"Schlesische Straße 26" |
Street address |
zip | null | string |
"10997" |
ZIP code |
city | null | string |
"Berlin" |
Name of the city |
country | null | string |
"Deutschland" |
Name of the country |
content_updated_at | string |
"1994-11-05T13:15:30Z" |
DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone) |
title | string |
Max 100 character |
description | string |
A description of the offer. This may contain any of the following
HTML tags: |
↓carrier | object |
The organisation that carrier this volunteering |
vacancies | number |
1 |
The number of volunteers that are needed, provided by the manager |
↓image | null | object |
Each volunteering has one optional image / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015 |
↓contact | object |
Contact person, contact data and contact address |
location_fixed | boolean |
true |
Specifies whether the volunteering offer is limited to a certain location or if it may be executed remotely. |
working_time_selection | string |
regular commitment |
Working time selection, specifies if this is a one-time event or if this volunteering can takes place regulary. |
working_time_weekends | array |
["in the mornings"] |
Up to three working time preferences. They specify when this volunteering should take place on weekends. |
working_time_weekdays | array |
["in the mornings"] |
Up to three working time preferences. They specify when this volunteering should take place on weekdays. |
begins_at | string |
"1994-11-05T13:15:30Z" |
DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone) |
ends_at | string |
"1994-11-05T13:15:30Z" |
DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone) |
topics | array |
["Development cooperation", "Children & youth"] |
Up to 4 categories that describe, what for which causes you need volunteers. Results are translated to the requested language. Possible results: "Animal & environment protection", "Culture & sports", "Children & youth", "Development cooperation ", "DisabledEducation", "Elderly people", "Human rights", "Refugees & immigrants", "Invalid", "Local help", "Socially deprived" |
activities | array | null |
["consulting/coaching", "office work"] |
Up to 4 categories that describe, what for which causes you need volunteers. Results are translated to the requested language. Possible results: "consulting/coaching", "crafting/gardening", "doing sports", "doing the chores", "group care", "nursing/parenting", "office work", "organising/managing", "painting/designing", "tutoring/reading", "visiting/accompanying", "writing/translating" |
imported_from | null | string |
somewhere |
Where Betterplace imports volunteering from. |
import_information |
Meta data concerning the import of this volunteering offer, if it was indeed imported. |
↓profile_picture | null | object |
Attribute | Types | Example | Description |
carrier.latitude | number |
52.499007 |
Decimal degrees based on user input |
carrier.longitude | number |
13.44947 |
Decimal degrees based on user input |
carrier.name | string |
"Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V." |
An organisation name, Users will be added later |
carrier.street | string |
"Rosenstr. 3" |
Contact data for the organisation |
carrier.city | string |
"Berlin" |
Contact data for the organisation |
carrier.zip | string |
"10123" |
Contact data for the organisation |
carrier.country | string |
"Germany" |
Contact data for the organisation |
↓carrier.picture | null | object |
Attribute | Types | Example | Description |
carrier.picture.fallback | boolean |
true |
Specifies whether a fallback image is given or not |
Attribute | Types | Example | Description |
image.description | string |
Image description |
Attribute | Types | Example | Description |
contact.name | string |
Till Behnke |
Fullname of the contact person. |
contact.phone | string |
030 - 7676 4488 44 |
Phone number for direct contact. No validations on input apply. |
contact.email | string |
[email protected] |
Plain text email-address for direct contact |
↓contact.picture | object |
https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/… |
User profile picture or a fallback image |
Attribute | Types | Example | Description |
contact.picture.fallback | boolean |
true |
Specifies whether a fallback image is given or not |
Attribute | Types | Example | Description |
profile_picture.fallback | boolean |
true |
Specifies whether a fallback image is given or not |
Linkname | Description |
self |
Link to this resource itself (volunteering details) |
platform |
Permalink to betterplace.org |
inquiries |
The URL to which inquiries about this offer can be POSTed (inquiry details). Templated, needs insertion of the client_id. |
carrier.self |
Link to this resource itself (organisation details) |
carrier.picture.fill_100x100 |
100×100 Pixel |
carrier.picture.fill_200x200 |
200×200 Pixel |
carrier.picture.fill_400x400 |
400×400 Pixel |
carrier.picture.original |
Maximum sized image. This is the original image with default-cropping or user-cropping applied. |
image.fill_618x322 |
618×322 Pixel / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015 |
image.fill_270x141 |
270×141 Pixel / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015 |
image.original |
Original size / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015 |
image.thumb |
Thumbnail size / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015 |
image.medium |
Medium size / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015 |
image.regular |
Regular size / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015 |
contact.picture.fill_100x100 |
100×100 Pixel |
contact.picture.original |
Maximum sized image. This is the original image with default-cropping or user-cropping applied. |
profile_picture.fill_960x500 |
950×500 Pixel |
profile_picture.fill_730x380 |
730×380 Pixel |
profile_picture.fill_618x322 |
618×322 Pixel / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015 |
profile_picture.fill_410x214 |
410×214 Pixel |
profile_picture.fill_270x141 |
270×141 Pixel / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015 |
profile_picture.original |
Maximum sized image. This is the original image with default-cropping or user-cropping applied. |
"id": 77814,
"created_at": "2019-12-16T17:23:36+01:00",
"updated_at": "2019-12-16T17:43:37+01:00",
"latitude": 0.0,
"longitude": 0.0,
"street": null,
"zip": null,
"city": null,
"country": null,
"content_updated_at": "2019-12-16T17:43:37+01:00",
"title": "Als Ackerhelfer*in mit Kindern Gemüse anbauen I Region Mecklenburg-Vorpommern",
"description": "Du wünschst dir eine <b> sinnstiftende Tätigkeit </b> und Abwechslung für deinen Alltag? <br><br>Du findest es wichtig, dass <b>Kinder mehr über Gemüseanbau lernen</b>?<br><br>Du hast selbst <b>Lust, mehr über den Anbau von Gemüse zu erfahren</b>? <br><br>Dann bist du bei bei der <b>GemüseAckerdemie</b> genau richtig! Unterstütze uns bei unseren Pflanzungen an <b>Mecklenburger Schulen und Kitas</b> und trage dazu bei, dass Pflanzen und Kinder einen guten Start in ihre AckerSaison erhalten.<br><br>Weitere Informationen und die Möglichkeit, dich zu bewerben findest du hier:<br><br><a href=\"https://www.gemueseackerdemie.de/mitmachen/ackerhelferin\">gemueseackerdemie.de/mitmachen/ackerhelferin</a><br><br><br><p><br></p><p></p>",
"carrier": null,
"vacancies": 10,
"image": {
"description": "(c) Anna Meyer-Kahlen",
"links": [
"rel": "fill_618x322",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/fill_618x322_bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
"rel": "fill_270x141",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/fill_270x141_bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
"rel": "original",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
"rel": "thumb",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/thumb_bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
"rel": "medium",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/medium_bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
"rel": "regular",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/regular_bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
"contact": {
"name": "Shirin Seidel",
"phone": "",
"email": "12a05457e14510e8ca1fb8f89390eac4279ffa3ef74b7a42a55eea2057458fea@betterplace.jp",
"picture": {
"links": [
"rel": "fill_100x100",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/user/profile_picture/000/582/106/fill_100x100_bp1576513213_44699303354_0822bb4b90_k.jpg"
"rel": "original",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/user/profile_picture/000/582/106/crop_original_bp1576513213_44699303354_0822bb4b90_k.jpg"
"links": [
"location_fixed": false,
"working_time_selection": "egal wann / nach Vereinbarung",
"working_time_weekends": [
"working_time_weekdays": [
"begins_at": null,
"ends_at": null,
"topics": [
"Kinder & Jugendliche",
"Tierschutz & Umwelt"
"activities": [
"imported_from": null,
"import_information": null,
"profile_picture": {
"links": [
"rel": "fill_960x500",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/fill_960x500_bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
"rel": "fill_730x380",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/fill_730x380_bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
"rel": "fill_618x322",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/fill_618x322_bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
"rel": "fill_410x214",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/fill_410x214_bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
"rel": "fill_270x141",
"href": "https://betterplace-assets.betterplace.org/uploads/bettertime/job_description/profile_picture/000/077/814/fill_270x141_bp1576514601_43468149011_d5d59b0fb3_k.jpg"
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"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "https://api.betterplace.org/de/api_v4/volunteering/77814.json"
"rel": "platform",
"href": "https://www.betterplace.org/de/volunteering/77814-als-ackerhelfer-in-mit-kindern-gemuese-anbauen-i-region-mecklenburg-vorpommern"
"rel": "inquiries",
"href": "https://api.betterplace.org/de/api_v4/clients/%7Bclient_id%7D/volunteering/77814-als-ackerhelfer-in-mit-kindern-gemuese-anbauen-i-region-mecklenburg-vorpommern/inquiries.json",
"templated": true