Source code for the paper "Locally Stylized Neural Radiance Fields". (arxiv)
Python environment
Code is tested with a single NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU, using Python 3.10, PyTorch 2.0 and CUDA 11.7.
# Setup conda env
conda create --name nerfstyle python=3.10
conda activate nerfstyle
# Install PyTorch (CUDA 11.7)
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
# Install tiny-cuda-nn
pip install git+
# Install other dependencies
pip install dacite simple_parsing pyyaml ipykernel tabulate einops GitPython matplotlib torch-ema urllib3 idna certifi oauthlib google-auth werkzeug ninja imageio
Training datasets
- LLFF dataset
- Replica dataset (to be updated)
Style images and segementations
Segmentations of style images are computed using Segment Anything. Precomputed segmentations for some of the style images are provided here.
Reconstruction stage
Trains the base NeRF model and classification network.
mkdir runs
python --log-dir runs/room_base --data-cfg cfgs/dataset/llff_room.yaml
# Train with sparsity regulation
python --log-dir runs/room_base --data-cfg cfgs/dataset/llff_room.yaml --sparsity_lambda 0.01
Sparsity regulation encourages the radiance field to minimize the predicted density in areas that correspond to empty space. It gives the stylization result a more "solid" effect.
Stylization stage
python --log-dir runs/room_scream --ckpt <path_to_recon_stage_ckpt> --style-image <style_img>.jpg --style-seg-path <style_img>.npz --max-steps 512
python <path_to_stylization_stage_ckpt>