Complete the UiTM SuFO\Exit forms and submit automatically.
- Open UiTM iLearn v3
- Open SuFO section\Exit Survey
- Choose lecturers of your choice and proceed to evaluate
4.1. Paste the code below in your browsers console (F12)
for(y=0; y<=23; y++){
var min=2;
var max=6;
var random =Math.floor(Math.random() * (+max - +min)) + +min;
var questionNo = document.getElementsByName('data[AnalyticSufo][answer'+y+']');
questionNo[random].checked = true
document.getElementsByClassName('btn btn-success btn-flat')[0].click()
Exit Survey
for(y=0; y<=23; y++){
var min=2;
var max=6;
var random =Math.floor(Math.random() * (+max - +min)) + +min;
var questionNo = document.getElementsByName('data['+y+'][check]');
questionNo[random].checked = true
document.getElementsByClassName('btn btn-success btn-flat')[0].click()
- Profit
Inspired by afiqiqmal