Note: I have tried to get it on dockers but due to lack of time I could'nt (though I have partially completed it but was able to connect my db inside docker)
- Java 11.0.2 --> Product Service
- Java 8 --> Review Service
- Maven (wrapper)
- Product Service : microservice responsible for retrieving product and review data
- Review Service : microservice responsible for managing review data
- MySql as database
- Swagger documentation available at /swagger-ui.html
- JUnit for unit testing
- MySql
- Java 11 (to run locally in IDE)
- Unix based OS (Mac OS, Ubuntu, etc)
First make sure that mysql service is up and running on : port 3306 and database is there named review
Initially take clone and start all three application:
- 1, Eureka Server that runs on port : 8761 --> http://localhost:8761/
- 2, Review Sevice that runs on port : 8001
- While starting review service iniial reviews will be populated as per data.sql file
- i.e : Product_ID: 'M20324'
- Product_ID: 'BB5467'
- Product_ID: 'AD992'
- Note: Before starting review-serview kindly make sure to put username and password db respectively in file.
- 3, Product Service that runs on port : 8002
At startup, database seed data is inserted into DB
- Authorization has been implemented on post call whether you use it for save/update
- username: root
- pasword: root
- For post call
- However get calls are not authorize for review-service as well as product-service
Swagger documentation available for both services (after docker startup)
- Product service : http://localhost:8001/swagger-ui.html
- Review service : http://localhost:8002/swagger-ui.html
- Enhanced security using API gateway for microservices communication using JWT and API Tokens;
- Implement docker including both services and mysql inside it;
- As Eureka is already implement we further use config server to move all configurations there so that we dont have to deploy services after config changes;
- Self management through technologies such as Kubernetes;
- Improve integration and unit tests with broader coverage