Here is a somewhat complete changelog:
- FrameRequester: module can now be notified at each animation frame.
- Ability to reproject extent via
, set of utility to read elevations
Format and protocol support
- Point clouds from potree converter
- 3dTiles: support for batch table, pnts and b3dm RTC.
- WFS/geojson
- GPX support greatly improved
- Add a provider that generates 2D texture from vector datas (geojson, gpx and kml)
- options.zoom now takes precedence over configured tileMatrixSetLimits
- It's now possible to specify another Object3D than scene to geometry layers to use when adding children.
- add
method - Some helpers to ease the creation of planar and globe geometry have been added
- Child layer now use parent's extent if it doesn't have one already
Some new control examples:
- PlanarControls
- FlyControls
- FirstPersonControls
It's now possible to instanciate the globe without using GlobeControls
In addition of examples for new protocol and format, here are the new showcases:
- Mini-viewer for globe.html
- Cube with elevation and color layers (cubic_planar.html)
- A THREE mesh in an itowns scene (positionGlobe.html)
- Splitted rendering (split.html)
- Countless bug fixes.
- update THREE to 0.87