This library provides a convenient way to validate incoming parameters of your Phoenix application's controllers by offering you small but useful DSL which makes as little magic behind the scenes as possible leaves you all the control under HTTP request.
def deps do
{:exop, "~> 1.4"},
{:exop_plug, "~> 1.1"}
Basically speaking ExopPlug utilizes the power of Exop library by generating in compile time Exop-operations for your actions defined in a plug.
So, you define a plug with number of actions and parameters with validation checks. Then you use this plug in corresponding controller and that's it: once HTTP request comes, your controller's plug takes an action: it figures out whether this particular HTTP request's parameters should be validated or not, and if yes - validates them.
If parameters pass the validation ExopPlug returns Plug.Conn
(as usual plug does),
if not - it returns Exop's error-tuple as described
here. And it is up to you then to decide
how you want to handle the result.
Please keep in mind: ExopPlug doesn't transform your HTTP request nor Plug.Conn.t()
So, if you define get '/user/:user_id'
in your router you receive %{"user_id" => "1"}
the request http://localhost:4000/user/1
. There is no any coercion or type inference done
under the scenes.
(if such feature(-s) will be requested, they'll be added and you'll need to specify them explicitly in an action definition)
Create a new module plug and define actions with parameters you want to validate. A parameter's validations are the same as Exop has for an operation parameter checks. You can find all them here along with other features like coercion.
defmodule MyAppWeb.UserControllerPlug do
use ExopPlug
action(:show, params: %{"id" => [type: :string, length: %{min: 5}]}, on_fail: &__MODULE__.on_fail/3)
def on_fail(conn, action_name, errors_map) do
Plug.Conn.assign(conn, :errors, errors_map)
Here we also defined an on_fail
callback. This 3-arity function is called when an action's parameters
failed the specified validation.
Simply add plug MyAppWeb.UserControllerPlug
at the top of your controller.
defmodule MyAppWeb.UserController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
plug MyAppWeb.UserControllerPlug
# ...
def show(conn, params) do
json(conn, params)
# ...
Now, if you receive invalid parameters for your show
you get (for example)
errors: %{"id" => ["has wrong type"]}}
within your Plug.Conn
(as you earlier specified in your plug). And then it is up to you how to deal with this errors map.
The power of ExopPlug actually is provided by Exop and its validation capabilities. Basically, every check you use in Exop you can apply for an action's parameter in your plug.
Below I put a couple of examples just in order to show different checks and things you can do with a parameter or validation errors.
In the example above there is one tricky thing which I've just omit for the sake of example:
with get '/user/:user_id'
route you'll get user_id
parameter as string, always, because it is
path parameter.
But you can coerce it before the validation:
action(:show, params: %{"id" => [type: :integer, coerce_with: &__MODULE__.coerce_integer/2]})
def coerce_integer({_, param_value}, _) when is_binary(param_value) do
{integer, ""} = Integer.parse(param_value)
(and again: read more about :coerce_with
option in Exop docs)
After assigning errors to a connection you can later pattern-match it in a controller's action
and invoke your action_fallback
's fallback controller:
# in a plug ...
action(:show, params: %{"id" => [type: :integer]}, on_fail: &__MODULE__.on_fail/3)
def on_fail(conn, action_name, errors_map) do
Plug.Conn.assign(conn, :errors, errors_map)
# in a controller ...
action_fallback MyAppWeb.FallbackController
def show(%Plug.Conn{assigns: %{errors: errors_map}}, _params) do
{:error, errors_map}
# in the fallback controller ...
def call(conn, {:error, errors_map}) do
json(conn, errors_map)
It might be useful not to assign validation errors to a connection, but respond immediately:
action(:show, params: %{"id" => [type: :integer]}, on_fail: &__MODULE__.on_fail/3)
def on_fail(conn, action_name, errors_map) do
response = %{
action: action_name,
errors: errors_map
Phoenix.Controller.json(conn, response)
Copyright © 2019 - 2020 Andrey Chernykh ( [email protected] )
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.