released this
24 May 09:22
0.7.0 (2021-05-12)
update remaining references to gitlab
update readme to point to github
use checked math
further detail witness address extraction
describe witness conditional logic, length already checked
Simplify nomination state in tests
Remove redundant storage updates and fix vault liquidation function
remove unused function
add tarpaulin command to parachain/
fix clippy warnings
add build dependencies to README
Refactor vault nomination into new crate
simplify gitlab-ci.yml
add release step to gitlab-ci
added gitlab-ci.yml
fix Jenkinsfile syntax
vault liquidation from off-chain worker
extract p2wsh addresses
dispatchable amounts should be compact
emit event when issue amount changes
vault nomination
remove nomination liquidation
correct txid calculation when there is witness data
RedeemRequest serialization
broken unit tests
Merge errors
average issue size calculation
don't check parachain status in internal vault_reg functions
only increment active_block_count when status is running
check parachain status in on_initialize
use status_not_shutdown through the project
calculate tx_id rather than using user input
make replaceRequest storage non-optional
don't allow issues while btc-relay is initializing
vault auto liquidation weight + small optimization + missing benchmark
reject transactions with duplicate recipients
Nomination merge errors
filter banned vaults in get_vaults_below_premium_collateralization
don't allow vault to accept/auction replace themselves
merge vault v3 into v2
inline initiate_replace
convert btc-relay pallet to FRAME v2
convert vault-registry pallet to FRAME v2
use checked math for increase / decrease total locked
use consts for name, symbol and decimal in currency
simplify nomination conversions
set decimals at genesis, use on exchange-rate calculation
rename other helper methods
calculate expected redeem size based on input&outputs
rename DOT and PolkaBTC to Backing and Issuing
merge collateral and treasury wrappers into currency pallet
convert collateral pallet to FRAME v2
convert treasury pallet to FRAME v2
derive sovereign account for modules
convert security pallet to FRAME v2
Use slash_collateral
instead of repatriate_reserved
more consistently use Pallet instead of Module
move checks into dispatchable functions
rename Module -> Pallet
rename weights->default_weights
use active_block_number everywhere
don't use newtype for ActiveBlockNumber
txid with and without witness
redeem underpayment
oracle when parachain is shutdown
check that oracle usage fails when oracle is offline
parachain shutdown check
forged raw_tx
withdraw and add collateral
issue/redeem/replace expiry
Begin work on fee distribution
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