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Jetson Nano

Yuxiang Gao edited this page May 3, 2019 · 9 revisions

RealSense Setup

Jetson Nano originally has some problem recognizing hid devices on RealSense, we need to rebuild the kernel to enable this. Refer to this github comment and the official L4T guide:

Package dependencies: libhidapi-libusb0 libturbojpeg libncurses5-dev

  1. Go to the L4T download page and download the BSP Sources for the Nano.
  2. Untar the sources with tar -vxjf [name of downloaded file
  3. cd public_sources then tar -vxjf kernel_src.tbz2
  4. cd kernel/kernel-4.9 and zcat /proc/config.gz > .config and cp /lib/firmware/tegra21x_xusb_firmware ./firmware/
  5. make menuconfig and enable HID_SENSOR_ACCEL_3D and HID_SENSOR_GYRO_3D under device drivers -> Industrial I/O (IIO) -> digital gyroscopes / accelerometers These are needed by 435i
  6. Apply HID patch patch -p1 < [librealsense cloned repo directory]/scripts/realsense-hid-ubuntu-xenial-Ubuntu-hwe-4.8.0-58.63_16.04.1.patch
  7. make -j$(nproc). Recommend doing this from terminal over SSH as it will lock up GUI.
  8. sudo make modules_install
  9. sudo mv /boot/Image /boot/Image-original and cp ./arch/arm64/boot/Image /boot/Image
  10. Do a reboot and verify system loads.
  11. Build realsense library and install. Verify device detected with rs-enumerate-devices then use rs-data-collect to collect some data. Library was built with options -DHWM_OVER_XU=true -DBUILD_GRAPHICAL_EXAMPLES=false
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