This script has been written to have a quickly odoo environment using python env and git stuff.
The workspace on the developer computer should be like this :
~/invitu-devel/allrepos : all the repos cloned from github
~/invitu-devel/projects : all the projects the developer works on
For example, we can have 3 repos gitodoo, gitoca, gitinvitu respectively : https://github.com/odoo/odoo, https://github.com/oca, https://github.com/invitu
For a project named "test" in Odoo v17, we will have ~/invitu-devel/projects/test17
git clone https://github.com/invitu/env_invitu_dev.git
git branch checkout -b [new-branch-name]
Pyenv is a popular tool for managing multiple versions of Python on your system. It allows you to easily switch between different Python versions for different projects.
1/ Dependencies for Fedora/CentOS/RHEL
sudo dnf install git gcc zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel readline-devel sqlite sqlite-devel openssl-devel xz xz-devel libffi-devel patch
2/ Use this command curl to install
curl https://pyenv.run | bash
3/ Add these lines into your ~/.bash_profile
export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
4/ Restart your shell for the changes to take effects
> connect as super-admin to install :
sudo bash
> openldap install :
dnf install openldap-devel
> python version install and requirements :
dnf install python-ldap
$HOME/.pyenv/versions/odoo17/bin/pip3.12 install -r requirements.txt
To see if postgresql is installed, use these commands :
> version of postgresql (or error = not installed)
psql --version
> path
which psql
> add the path into your ~/.bash_profile
export PSQL="{path}"
The module.csv file is where are defining the modules that will be installed in your Odoo environment. It is filled with 2 elements :
1/ module_name,module_path (from allrepos/)
example : partner_firstname,gitoca/partner-contact
2/ module_name,PR_branch_url (access the Pull request(PR) and retrieve the url of the PR source branch)
example : vidal_connector,https://github.com/dixmit/connector-vidal/tree/17.0-fix
- create modules.csv on your project repo (in ~/invitu-devel/projects) so these modules will be installed in your environment
- in ~/invitu-devel/allrepos clone the github repos
also in launch_project.sh
pyenv install -v {pyenv-version}
pyenv versions | grep -m 1 {pyenvname}
pyenv virtualenv {pyenv-version} {pyenvname}
This command comes from launch_project.sh
/<pyenv_root>/versions/<pyenv_name>/bin/python /<odoo_path>/odoo-bin --limit-time-real=3600 --addons-paths=/<odoo_path>/addons,/<project_path> -d <name_project,odoo_version>
and now, you can use Odoo via 'localhost:8069'