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Mudamos is a web platform built with Rails framework.

Project setup

Local development can be configured using a dotenv file. The is a .env.sample that can be used to setup the initial one.

  • cp .env.sample .env.development

If the sample env file does not require any change, you can just run the setup script, which will copy the file for you.

  • bin/setup -- installs dependencies and prepares the database


Mudamos depends on the following softwares:

  • ImageMagick: used by the pdf cover generation

Accessing the admin area

In order to access the admin area, an admin user must be created.

  • rake users:create_admin_user

Follow the instructions, and use the created user to access the admin area.

Running the web server

  • rails s

Testing emails on development

1 - Run gem install mailcatcher 2 - Run mailcatcher 3 - Go to http://localhost:1080/

Environment variables

  • API_CACHE_EXPIRES_IN: The ammount in minutes that the system will use to expire requests from the Mobile API
  • APP_DEFAULT_HOST: Which url the application is hosted
  • APP_DEFAULT_SCHEME: Which scheme the application uses (http or https)
  • 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID': AWS access key id used to access the aws resources
  • 'AWS_REGION': The region where the AWS resources are
  • 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY': AWS secret access key used to access the aws resources
  • 'DB_POOL': database pool
  • 'GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE': Type of google account(used by gem 'googleauth')
  • 'GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL': E-mail of google account(used by gem 'googleauth')
  • 'GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY': Private key of google account(used by gem 'googleauth')
  • 'IBGE_CITIES_LIST_URL': IBGE url which returns all cities in Brazil
  • 'IBGE_CITIES_POPULATION_URL': IBGE url which returns the city population sensus
  • MOBILE_API_ID_IOS: The iOs Mobile app id
  • 'LAI_EMAIL_BCC': BCC Email to send when create a LAI PDF
  • 'LAI_PDF_GENERATION_QUEUE': Name of the sqs queue used to generate access to information law pdf
  • 'LAI_PDF_BUCKET': Name of the S3 bucket which contains all LAI pdfs
  • 'LAI_WEB_AUTH_TOKEN': Static token used to authorize LAI APIs
  • 'MOBILE_API_SECRET': The Mobile secret key
  • 'MOBILE_API_TIMEOUT': The ammount in seconds the system will use as timeout when trying to communicate with the Mobile API
  • 'MOBILE_API_URL': The Mobile API url
  • 'MUDAMOS_VIDEO_BUCKET': mudamos video bucket
  • 'ONESIGNAL_API_KEY': The one signal api key (push message)
  • 'ONESIGNAL_APP_ID': The one signal app id (push message)
  • 'PETITION_MOBILE_SYNC_QUEUE': Name of the sqs queue used for the synchronization of the petitions versions with the mobile api
  • 'PETITION_MOBILE_SYNC_QUEUE_PRIORITY': The priority of the sqs queue for the synchronization of the petitions versions with the mobile api
  • 'PETITION_NOTIFIER_QUEUE': Name of the bucket where push messages are sent
  • 'PETITION_NOTIFIER_QUEUE_PRIORITY': The priority of the notifier queue
  • 'PETITION_PDF_BUCKET': Name of the bucket where the petition's pdfs are stored
  • 'PETITION_PDF_GENERATION_QUEUE': Name of the sqs queue used for the generation of the PDFs of the petitions
  • 'PETITION_PDF_GENERATION_QUEUE_PRIORITY': The priority of the sqs queue for the generation of the PDFs of the petitions
  • 'PETITION_PUBLISHER_QUEUE': Name of the sqs queue used for publishing the petitions
  • 'PETITION_PUBLISHER_PRIORITY': The priority of the sqs queue for the publication the petitions
  • 'PLIP_CHANGED_SYNC_QUEUE': The queue which announces plip changes to the mobile api
  • 'RACK_TIMEOUT': request timeout forced by middleware in seconds
  • 'RAILS_MAX_THREADS': web server max threads
  • 'RAILS_MIN_THREADS': web server min threads
  • 'USER_SYNC_QUEUE': Name of the sqs queue used for the user synchronization with the mobile platform
  • 'WEB_CONCURRENCY': number of web server workers

Partners api

Patners can access information on this platform. in order to do so, an oauth applciation must be created by an admin user.

  • as an admin access: oauth/applications and create a new partner application
  • Patners can use both the client id (application id) and client secret to issue a request for an access token

Getting an access token

Partners should call like bellow:

  • curl -XPOST "http://apphost/oauth/token?client_secret={client_secret}&client_id={client_id}&grant_type=client_credentials" -H "Accept: application/json" -d ''

A valid response would be:

  • {"access_token":"98f46d3a93245a428ec2749fe40cf256bcd9ff81d3cddb08fb28b0fb3515a598","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":7200,"created_at":1488915853}

Later partners can use the available apis:

  • pre signature
Pre signature api

This api receives a user which will be pre signing a project.

  • curl -v -XPOST "http://apphost/partners_api/petitions/{petition_id}/pre_sign" -H "Authorization: Bearer 66bffa59da5bf7a14e5a92c1affa8a4a3928195933135ff0fac8550336f65f1e" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email": "[email protected]", "name": "A user name"}'

Where petition_id is the id of a project (PetitionPlugin::DetailVersion).

A 204 response means a success.

Queue configurations

Petition pdf generation

Recommended values:

  • Default Visibility Timeout: 60 secs
  • Message Retention Period: 4 days (SQS default)
  • Maximum Message Size: 256 KB (SQS default)
  • Delivery Delay: 0 secs (SQS default)
  • Receive Message Wait Time: 0 secs (SQS default)

Petition mobile sync

Recommended values:

  • Default Visibility Timeout: 60 secs
  • Message Retention Period: 4 days (SQS default)
  • Maximum Message Size: 256 KB (SQS default)
  • Delivery Delay: 0 secs (SQS default)
  • Receive Message Wait Time: 0 secs (SQS default)

Petition publisher

Recommended values:

  • Default Visibility Timeout: 60 secs
  • Message Retention Period: 4 days (SQS default)
  • Maximum Message Size: 256 KB (SQS default)
  • Delivery Delay: 0 secs (SQS default)
  • Receive Message Wait Time: 0 secs (SQS default)

Petition notifier

Recommended values:

  • Default Visibility Timeout: 60 secs
  • Message Retention Period: 14 days
  • Maximum Message Size: 256 KB (SQS default)
  • Delivery Delay: 15 secs (SQS default)
  • Receive Message Wait Time: 15 secs

Running the workers

bundle exec shoryuken -C config/shoryuken.yml -R

Remember to export your env vars

Petition flow

This diagram shows the flow of the petition, from the user creation, to its publication.

+--------------------+    +------------------------+    +------------------------+    +-------------------------+    +------------------------+
|                    |    |                        |    |                        |    |                         |    |                        |
|                    |    |                        |    |                        |    |                         |    |                        |
|    Admin User      |    |      Mudamos-Web       |    |           SQS          |    |      Mobile-api         |    |       Blockchain       |
|                    |    |                        |    |                        |    |                         |    |                        |
|                    |    |                        |    |                        |    |                         |    |                        |
+--------------------+    +------------------------+    +------------------------+    +-------------------------+    +------------------------+
        +---+                      +---+                           +---+                          +---+                         +---+
        |   |Creates the petition  |   | Schedule pdf generation   |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   +---------------------->   +------------------------>  |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |  Generates the pdf and    |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |  stores it on S3          |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   | <-------------------------+   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |   Register petition on   |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |   the mobile api         |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   +--------------------------------------------------------->|   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |  Register the petition  |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |  on the blockchain      |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |  Schedule the petition   |   +-----------------------> |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |  publication (async, SQS)|   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |<-------------------------+   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |    Publishes the petition |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   | <-------------------------+   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |  Schedule share link      |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |  generation               |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   +------------------------>  |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |  Generate share link and  |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |  stores it                |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   | <-------------------------+   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   | Schedule sync petition    |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   +-------------------------> |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |  Start the petition sync  |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   | <-------------------------+   |                          |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |  Sync petition info      |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |  on the mobile api       |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   +--------------------------------------------------------> |   |                         |   |
        |   |                      |   |                           |   |                          |   |                         |   |
        +---+                      +---+                           +---+                          +---+                         +---+

Send a push message

$ rake push:message["A title", "A body"]


Inorder to build a new app image version, you need to provide the script both APP_VERSION and HUB_APP_URI.

ps. aws cli v1 required.

  • APP_VERSION: the version to build eg. 4.56.99
  • HUB_APP_URI: the image repository eg.

This command below will build the image and apply the version, staging and latest tags. The version tag will be pushed to the HUB (image repository).

$ APP_VERSION=x.xx.x HUB_APP_URI=some-uri ./bin/release

In order to push the staging image do:

$ HUB_APP_URI=some-uri ./bin/push-staging

In order to push the latest image (production).

$ HUB_APP_URI=some-uri ./bin/push-latest


If libv8 and therubyracer fails to install on mac, try:

$ brew install [email protected]
$ bundle config build.libv8 --with-system-v8
$ bundle config build.therubyracer --with-v8-dir=$(brew --prefix [email protected])

If you're using a Postgres docker, you may need to set PGGSSENCMODE=disable

$ PGGSSENCMODE=disable bundle exec rails s