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PL-666 committed Sep 26, 2023
1 parent a5fa678 commit b5b213e
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Showing 12 changed files with 916 additions and 0 deletions.
427 changes: 427 additions & 0 deletions gibbon-compiler/examples/movie-micro-service/Basics.hs

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module GenerateMovieLayout where
import Movies

gibbon_main =
test = mkMovieContent 'a'
_ = printPacked test
in ()
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions gibbon-compiler/examples/movie-micro-service/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# modified based on from blog management
import os
import subprocess

gibbon_file_names = ["test","testInsertmovie", "testSearchMovie", "testDeleteMovie"]

# layouts = ["layout1", "layout2", "layout3", "layout4", "layout5", "layout6", "layout7", "layout8"]

print("Cleaning out the c files and binaries")

#Compilation phase
for file_name in gibbon_file_names:

filename_c = file_name + ".c"
filename_exe = file_name + ".exe"
gibbon_cmd_c =["rm", filename_c])
gibbon_cmd_bin =["rm", filename_exe])
gibbon_cmd_bin =["rm", file_name])

190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions gibbon-compiler/examples/movie-micro-service/movies.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
module Movies where
-- import Data.Map
import Gibbon.Prelude
import Gibbon.PList
import Gibbon.Vector
import Gibbon.Maybe
import Basics
type Text = Vector Char
type IsMovie = Bool
type MovieTitle = Text
type ReleaseDate = Text
type Director = Text
type Writers = PList Text
type CastInfo = PList Text
type MovieTags = PList Text
type Rating = Int

-- --if IsMovie == True, the maybe values will exist
data Movie = Empty
| Movie MovieTitle
ReleaseDate Director Writers CastInfo
MovieTags Rating

data MovieTrie = Root
| MovieTrie (Maybe Char) (Maybe IsMovie) (Maybe Movie) (Maybe (PList MovieTrie)) deriving (Show)

-- intToVec :: Int -> (Vector Int)
-- intToVec i = let
-- remainder = mod i 10
-- quotient = div i 10
-- in if(quotient == 0) then singleton remainder
-- else append (intToVec quotient) (singleton remainder)
-- intToChar :: Int -> Char
-- intToChar i = case i of
-- 0 -> '0'
-- 1 -> '1'
-- 2 -> '2'
-- 3 -> '3'
-- 4 -> '4'
-- 5 -> '5'
-- 6 -> '6'
-- 7 -> '7'
-- 8 -> '8'
-- 9 -> '9'
-- intToText :: (Vector Int) -> Text
-- intToText i = if (length i == 1) then
-- movieToText :: Movie -> Text
-- movieToText m = case m of
-- Empty -> "empty Movie"
-- Movie c title date director wrriters castinfo movietags rating ->
mkMovieContent :: Text -> Movie
mkMovieContent t =
movietitle = t
rdate = (getRandomString 5)
director = (getRandomString 6)
writer = Cons (getRandomString 5) Nil
cast = Cons (getRandomString 5) Nil
movietag = Cons (getRandomString 5) Nil
rating = 5
in Movie movietitle rdate director writer cast movietag rating

--insert a movie into movieTrie
insertMovie :: Text -> (Maybe Char) -> Movie -> MovieTrie -> MovieTrie
insertMovie t c m mt =
if (length t == 0)
then case mt of
Root -> MovieTrie c (Just True) (Just m) Nothing
MovieTrie c ismovie movie cmovieTrie -> MovieTrie c (Just True) (Just m) cmovieTrie
case mt of
Root -> MovieTrie c (Just False) Nothing (Just (Cons (insertMovie (tail t) (Just (head t)) m Root) Nil))
MovieTrie c ismovie movie cmovieTrie -> MovieTrie c ismovie movie (Just (insert_Mhelper t m (fromMaybe Nil cmovieTrie)))

movieGetChar :: MovieTrie -> Maybe Char
movieGetChar mt = case mt of
Root -> Nothing
-- let _ = printsym (quote "nothing")
-- in Nothing
MovieTrie c ismovie movie lmt -> c
-- let _ = printchar (fromMaybe ' ' c)
-- in c

insert_Mhelper :: Text -> Movie -> (PList MovieTrie) -> (PList MovieTrie)
insert_Mhelper t m lmt =
case lmt of
Nil -> Cons (insertMovie (tail t) (Just (head t)) m Root) Nil
Cons x xs -> if (fromMaybe ' ' (movieGetChar x)) *==* head t then Cons (insertMovie (tail t) (Just (head t)) m x) xs
else Cons x (insert_Mhelper t m xs)

deleteMovie :: Text -> MovieTrie -> MovieTrie
deleteMovie t mt =
if (length t == 0)
then case mt of
Root -> mt
MovieTrie c ismovie movie cmovieTrie -> if (fromMaybe False ismovie) then MovieTrie c (Just False) (Nothing) cmovieTrie
else MovieTrie c ismovie movie cmovieTrie
case mt of
Root -> Root
MovieTrie c ismovie movie cmovieTrie -> MovieTrie c ismovie movie (Just (delete_Mhelper t (fromMaybe Nil cmovieTrie)))

delete_Mhelper :: Text -> (PList MovieTrie) -> (PList MovieTrie)
delete_Mhelper t lmt =
case lmt of
Nil -> Nil
Cons x xs -> if(fromMaybe ' ' (movieGetChar x)) *==* head t then Cons (deleteMovie (tail t) x) xs
else Cons x (delete_Mhelper t xs)
--given movietitle, find movie return empty if not found
searchMovieTitle :: Text -> MovieTrie -> Movie
searchMovieTitle t mt =
if (length t == 0) then case mt of
Root -> Empty
MovieTrie c ismovie movie cmovieTrie -> if (fromMaybe False ismovie) then (fromMaybe Empty movie) else Empty
case mt of
Root -> Empty
MovieTrie c ismovie movie cmovieTrie -> if (isNothing cmovieTrie) then Empty
a = fromMaybe Nil cmovieTrie
case a of
Nil -> Empty
Cons x xs -> search_Mhelper t (Cons x xs)

search_Mhelper :: Text -> (PList MovieTrie) -> Movie
search_Mhelper t lmt =
case lmt of
Nil -> Empty
Cons x xs -> if (fromMaybe ' ' (movieGetChar x)) *==* (head t)
then searchMovieTitle (tail t) x
else search_Mhelper t xs

-- searchMovieRating :: Int -> MovieTrie ->(PList Movie) -> (PList Movie)
-- searchMovieTitle i mt lm =
-- case mt of
-- Root -> Nil
-- MovieTrie c ismovie movie cmovieTrie ->
-- let
-- rating = getMovieRating (fromMaybe Empty movie)
-- in if (rating > i) then Cons (fromMaybe Empty movie) (Search_MRhelper i cmovieTrie )
-- else Search_MRhelper i cmovieTrie

-- search_MRhelper :: Int -> (PList MovieTrie) -> (PList Movie) -> (PList Movie)

-- getMovieRating :: Movie -> Int
-- getMovieRating m = case m of
-- Empty -> 0
-- Movie movietitle releasedate director writers casinfo movitags rating -> rating

-- generateNode :: Char -> MovieTrie -> MovieTrie
-- generateNode a mt =
-- insertMovie :: Text -> MovieTrie -> MovieTrie
-- insertMovie title mt =
-- if isEmpty title then mt
-- else if mt == End then
-- let
-- a = head title
-- b = tail title
-- curNode = MovieTrie Nothing (singleton a) insertMovie b End
-- in curNode

isEmptyM :: Movie -> Bool
isEmptyM m = case m of
Empty -> True
Movie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ->False

genMovieList :: Int -> (PList Text)
genMovieList i =
if (i == 0)
then Nil
a = mod rand 10
t = getRandomString a
nt = genMovieList (i - 1)
in Cons t nt

consMovieTrie :: (PList Text) -> MovieTrie ->MovieTrie
consMovieTrie lt mt =
case lt of
Nil -> mt
Cons x xs ->
movieContent = mkMovieContent x
in consMovieTrie xs (insertMovie x Nothing movieContent mt)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions gibbon-compiler/examples/movie-micro-service/searchMovie.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import Movies

type Text = Vector Char

getTitle :: Movie -> Text
getTitle m = case m of
Empty -> " "
Movie mt rd d w ci movietags rating -> mt

gibbon_main =
movielist = genMovieList 100
movie1 = fromMaybe " " (nth_plist movielist Nothing 10 )
len1 = vlength movie1
mt = consMovieTrie movielist Root
mv = searchMovieTitle movie1 mt
foundmovie = getTitle mv
len2 = vlength foundmovie
in len1 ==len2
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions gibbon-compiler/examples/movie-micro-service/test.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
import Movies
-- data Ttext = Ttext (Vector Char)
printMovieTrie :: MovieTrie -> ()
printMovieTrie mt = case mt of
Root -> printsym (quote "nothing")
MovieTrie ch ismovie movie lmt -> if (isNothing ch) then
_ = printsym (quote "/")
in if (isNothing lmt) then ()
else print_MThelper (fromMaybe Nil lmt)
else let
a = fromMaybe ' ' ch
_ = printchar a
in if (isNothing lmt) then ()
else print_MThelper (fromMaybe Nil lmt)
print_MThelper :: (PList MovieTrie)->()
print_MThelper lmt = case lmt of
Nil -> ()
Cons x xs -> case x of
Root -> print_MThelper xs
MovieTrie ch ismovie movie lmt -> let
_ = printchar (fromMaybe ' ' ch)
_ = print_MThelper (fromMaybe Nil lmt)
in print_MThelper xs

gibbon_main =
-- let
-- -- testMovie = Movie 'a' "MovieTitle" "ReleaseDate"
-- -- testMovie = Empty
-- ttext = Ttext "fsaf"
-- -- testMovieTrie = MovieTrie (Just testMovie) (Just "Word") (Nothing)
-- -- testMovieTrie = MovieTrie testMovie
-- -- _ = printPacked testMovie

-- _ = printsym (quote "NEWLINE")
-- _ = printPacked ttext
-- -- _ = printsym (quote "NEWLINE")
-- in ()
-- putStrLn getRandomString 13
ri = mod rand 10
ri2 = mod rand 10
_ = printint ri2
_ = printint ri
-- smovie = mkMovieContent "titan"
-- movieT = insertMovie "titan" Nothing smovie Root
-- _ = printsym (quote " ")
-- _ = printMovieTrie movieT
-- movieT = insertMovie "titen" Nothing smovie movieT
-- _ = printsym (quote " ")
-- _ = printMovieTrie movieT
-- _ = printsym (quote "test")
-- mc = iterate (searchMovieTitle "tit" movieT)
-- movieT = deleteMovie "titan" movieT
-- _ = printsym (quote " ")
-- _ = printMovieTrie movieT

-- _ = printPacked mc
-- _ = printPacked movieT
-- let
-- _ = case movieT of
-- Empty -> printsym (quote "empty")
-- MovieTrie _ _ _ _ _ _ ->printsym (quote "valid")
-- in (
-- _ = printMovieTrie movieT
-- _ = if isEmptyM mc then printsym(quote "notfound") else printsym (quote "found")
-- _ = printPacked
-- _ = printsym (quote "a")
in ()
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions gibbon-compiler/examples/movie-micro-service/testDeleteMovie.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import Movies

type Text = Vector Char

testDelete :: (PList Text) -> MovieTrie -> MovieTrie
testDelete lt mt =
case lt of
Nil -> Root
Cons x xs -> testDelete xs (deleteMovie x mt)

gibbon_main =
movielist = genMovieList 20
mt = consMovieTrie movielist Root
mt2 = iterate (testDelete movielist mt)
in ()
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions gibbon-compiler/examples/movie-micro-service/testInsertmovie.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import Movies

testInsert :: Int -> MovieTrie -> MovieTrie
testInsert i mt = if (i == 0) then mt
title = getRandomString (mod rand 10)
movieContent = mkMovieContent title
in testInsert (i-1) (insertMovie title Nothing movieContent mt)
gibbon_main =
mvt = iterate (testInsert 1000 Root)
in ()
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions gibbon-compiler/examples/movie-micro-service/testSearchMovie.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import Movies

type Text = Vector Char

getTitle :: Movie -> Text
getTitle m = case m of
Empty -> " "
Movie mt rd d w ci movietags rating -> mt

gibbon_main =
movielist = genMovieList 1000
movie1 = fromMaybe " " (nth_plist movielist Nothing 100)
mt = consMovieTrie movielist Root
mv = iterate (searchMovieTitle movie1 mt)
in ()
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions gibbon-compiler/examples/movie-micro-service/testvector.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module Tv where
import Gibbon.Vector
import Gibbon.Prelude
import Gibbon.Maybe
import Gibbon.Prim

type Text = Vector Char

testf :: Text -> Char
testf t = head t
-- intToChar :: Int -> Char
-- intToChar i = case i of
-- -- 0 -> '0'
-- 1 -> '1'
-- 2 -> '2'
-- 3 -> '3'
-- 4 -> '4'
-- 5 -> '5'
-- 6 -> '6'
-- 7 -> '7'
-- 8 -> '8'
-- 9 -> '9'
gibbon_main =
x = (quote "hello")
y = empty_hash
z = insert_hash y x (quote "world")
in if eqsym (lookup_hash z (quote "hello")) (quote "world")
then 42
else 0

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