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Discord bot for the Training Wheels server

Getting started (the easy way)

The script is provided to automatically initialize all files required by this program, including:

  • .process.env - an environment file with the discord token and database name
  • bot-env/ - a Python virtual environment with all project dependencies

You can run by "sourcing" it through your shell. The source command essentially runs the script and exports all environment variables.


IMPORTANT: Remember to activate the Python virtual environment before running the application. From your shell:

source bot-env/bin/activate

If you have already initialized your environment previously, you only need to activate the Python virtual environment to use the application.

Getting started (in detail)

First, create a Python virtual environment named bot-env

python3 -m venv bot-env

Next, activate the Python virtual environment

source bot-env/bin/activate

It is important that you do the command above before continuing. Once inside virtual environment, install dependencies.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

When you are finished, if you wish to continue using the terminal for different projects, you should deactivate the Python virtual environment.


Now you can use your shell as normal, just re-activate the virtual environment whenever you want to run this project's code again.

This project uses an environment dot-file named .process.env. It is important that this file exists in the root directory of this repository and the file contains the following environment variables:


Running the app

To run the app, first activate your Python virtual environment (if you haven't already)

source bot-env/bin/activate

Then call the app entry point with

python3 src/

App arguments

To run the app in Discord mode, use the --discord argument.

python3 src/ --discord

To update the local database on app launch, use the --update argument.

python3 src/ --update

These arguments can be combined. If you do not use any arguments, the app will launch in Standalone mode and will use an existing database (if one exists).

Testing leetcode API access

Make sure you are running in a Python virtual environment before running any of the project code. You can test interacting with leetcode using the following command, which runs the script.


E/R Diagram for Database

E/R Diagram

Leetcode_Question contains all leetcode questions, scraped once at the launch of the app/db.

Leetcode_User maps a DiscordID to a Leetcode ID. We would want this for stuff like !leetcode stats or !leetcode rank commands.

Leetcode_WeeklyChallenge is the challenge we create each week. It is simple a date and a uniq identifier for "Week 1", "Week 2", etc.

Leetcode_WeeklyQuestion is a collection of questions associated with a Leetcode_WeeklyChallenge.


Discord bot for the Training Wheels server






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Contributors 4
