You can find a shell script that will install all dependencies here.
Install ROS via the script or following the installation instructions for ROS.
Make sure you initialized your catkin workspace:
mkdir catkin_ws
cd catkin_ws
mkdir src
cd src
cd ..
For the amr packages to work you will need to apply the bugfix provided here.
Clone your repository into the src folder of your catkin workspace.
Then go to the root folder of your catkin workspace and execute catkin_make
in a terminal. Don't forget to source your workspace.
If you are unsure about how to use git please look at the Git workflow.
When solving assignments please use the following guidelines:
- Look at the submission details
- Write readable code, this includes proper names for variables (e.g. wheel_speed_left instead of wsl) and functions (e.g. getDistanceToObstacle() instead of distance())
- Follow the Python naming conventions (Google Python Style Guide, Python Style Guide)
- Use short and descriptive commit messages (not like this)
- Commit frequently, don't commit the whole assignment in one go
- Use a git branching model, don't work on your master branch directly
- Make sure to merge all your changes into the master branch before the deadline. Grading is based on your master branch at the time of the deadline. No late submissions.
- Repositories are private to prevent plagiarism, if two people have the same code they'll both receive 0 points for the assignment