Include in the page the tags for the scripts and the template
include "chunks/music-drawer.html"
include "chunks/music_box_script.html"
send the information of the media to be displayed in the following format
youtube = {
video_id = "", #needed
list_id = "", #optional
video = { #at least one needed
mp4_src = "",
ogg_src = "",
webm_src = "",
gp3_src = "", #for 3gp format because parameters can't start with a number
audio = { #at least one needed
mp3_src = "",
ogg_src = "",
The template will only display the first media to be found in this order youtube , video or audio all configurations need at least one source the youtube configuration will need at least the youtube id
Example: if the audio tag is the only one send , template will use that media configuration.
audio = {
mp3_src = "",
ogg_src = "",
Example of html implementation in layouts/base_example.html