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Jean-Christophe GAY edited this page May 7, 2017 · 4 revisions


Snarl Snarl fail

Snarl configuration

Go into Snarl Preferences, Options, Network.
Listen for incoming Growl or Snarl notifications must be switched to Yes.

Snarl network configuration

It is also recommended to activate Applications must register before creating notifications? and Only allow password-protected applications? (if notifier.snarl.appPassword is set) in the Security panel.

Snarl security configuration

send-notification configuration

In your configuration file, use:

  • = the targeted Snarl instance, for example (It is set to localhost by default).
  • notifier.snarl.port = Snarl listening port (set to 9887 by default)
  • notifier.snarl.appPassword = application password (optional, more information at Snarl developer guide)


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